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A film by Jan Speckenbach.  In German.

A mother goes away, lea­ving her hus­band and their two child­ren in lim­bo. She is dri­ven by a force she can­not igno­re: free­dom. In Vienna, Nora wan­ders through a muse­um, suc­cumbs to a flir­ta­ti­on and then thumbs a lift to Bratislava. Nora con­ce­als her ori­gin behind small lies, chan­ges her appearance, finds work as a cham­ber­maid and makes fri­ends with the young Slovak woman Etela, a strip­per, and her hus­band Tamás, a cook. Meanwhile in Berlin, Philip tri­es to keep his fami­ly and job as well as his affair with Monika going. Against his own con­vic­tions, he, a lawy­er, defends a xeno­pho­bic youngs­ter, strug­gles with the role of sin­gle parent. Philip finds an – albeit uncon­scious – ear for his worries in the figu­re of a coma pati­ent… The free­dom Nora is lon­ging for beco­mes Philip’s chains.

Deutschland, Slowakei 2017, 100 Min.
Buch, Regie, Schnitt: Jan Speckenbach
Kamera: Tilo Hauke
Mit: Johanna Wokalek, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Inga Birkenfeld, Andrea Szabová, Ondrej Koval

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Die Grundschullehrerin

A film by Hélène Angel. In french with ger­man subtitles.

This is a viva­cious and emo­tio­nal­ly grip­ping sto­ry of a tea­cher caught bet­ween pas­si­on for her stu­dents and love for her child. Devoted pri­ma­ry school-tea­cher Florence (Sara Forestier) is a sin­gle mother who pours her heart and soul into her stu­dents each and every day. When she encoun­ters the dis­rup­ti­ve stu­dent Sacha and finds he has been aban­do­ned by his mother, Florence devo­tes hers­elf to hel­ping him. But Sacha’s plight com­bi­ned with her impen­ding work assess­ment put unthinkable strain on Florence, pushing her to a brea­king point whe­re she will put ever­y­thing on the line, inclu­ding her voca­ti­on and even her rela­ti­onship with her own son. While direc­tor Hélène Angel super­b­ly con­trasts the enter­tai­ning ener­gy and colour of the class­room with the lonely and con­fu­sed world of Sacha, Forestier deli­vers a magni­fi­cent per­for­mance as a woman unwil­ling to com­pro­mi­se her morals, resul­ting in a remar­kab­ly honest, opti­mi­stic and engros­sing por­tra­y­al of school life.

Primaire, Frankreich 2016, 105 Min., franz. OmU

Regie: Hélène Angel 
Drehbuch: Hélène Angel, Yann Coridian 
Kamera: Yves Angelo 
Schnitt: Christophe Pinel
mit: Albert Cousi, Ghillas Bendjoudi, Sara Forestier, Vincent Elbaz Produktion: Hélène Cases


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The woman who left

A film by Lav Diaz. In phil­ip­pi­ne with ger­man subtitles.

Winner of the Golden Lion at the 2016 Venice Film Festival, Filipino film­ma­ker Lav Diaz’s epic sto­ry of reven­ge defer­red func­tions as a tale of urban thea­ter and class war­fa­re. After 30 years in pri­son, a woman dis­co­vers that her fri­end and fel­low inma­te com­mit­ted the mur­der of which she was accu­sed. This leads to her release and sub­se­quent dis­co­very of the man who framed her. Inspired by Tolstoy, The Woman Who Left is a sen­si­ti­ve expres­si­on of fami­ly and forgiveness.

Ang Babaeng Humayo, Philippinen 2016, 228 min, phil­ip. OmU,
Regie, Kamera & Schnitt: Lav Diaz
Buch: Lav Diaz, nach der Erzählung von Leo Tolstoi („Gott sieht die Wahrheit, aber sagt sie nicht sogleich“)
mit: Charo Santos-Concio, John Lloyd Cruz, Michael De Mesa, Nonie Buencamino. 


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The Woman Who Left – Official Trailer

Beach Rats

A film by Eliza Hittman. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Frankie, an aim­less teen­ager living on the outer edges of Brooklyn, is having a trou­ble­so­me sum­mer. With his father dying and his mother wan­ting him to find a girl­fri­end, he tri­es to escape the ble­ak­ne­ss of his home life by caus­ing trou­ble with his delin­quent fri­ends and flir­ting with older men online. When his chat­ting and web­camming inten­si­fy, he final­ly starts hoo­king up with guys at a near­by crui­sing beach while simul­ta­neous­ly ente­ring into a cau­tious rela­ti­onship with a young woman. As Frankie strug­gles to recon­ci­le his com­pe­ting desi­res, his decis­i­ons lea­ve him hurt­ling toward irrepa­ra­ble consequences.


USA 2016, 95 Min., engl. OmU

Regie: Eliza Hittman
Kamera: Hélène Louvart
Schnitt: Scott Cummings, Joe Murphy
mit: Harris Dickinson, Madeline Weinstein, Kate Hodge
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Marlina – Die Mörderin in vier Akten

A film by Mouly Surya. In indo­ne­si­an with ger­man subtitles.

A young widow vio­lent­ly turns the tables on her would-be atta­ckers, in this powerful, pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, and visual­ly stun­ning Indonesian take on the „femi­nist wes­tern” genre.

Powerful, pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, and visual­ly stun­ning, Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts is a lumi­nous new ent­ry in the femi­nist wes­tern sub­gen­re. Mouly Surya’s accom­plished third fea­ture is one of a kind: a con­tem­po­ra­ry rewor­king of the spa­ghet­ti wes­tern and smould­e­ring reven­ge movie that is deep­ly roo­ted in the cul­tu­ral and geo­po­li­ti­cal land­scapes of Indonesia.

Marlina (Marsha Timothy) is a young widow, living alo­ne in a remo­te farm­house with the embal­med corp­se of her decea­sed hus­band. When rob­bers arri­ve, entit­led by cen­tu­ries of male domi­na­ti­on, to ste­al her live­stock, sei­ze her pos­ses­si­ons, and rape her, Marlina has only her cou­ra­ge and intel­li­gence to rely on. She thinks fast and acts even fas­ter. The next day finds her on the road, hit­ching a ride to town with a sever­ed head in one hand and a sab­re in the other.

A tale of repos­s­es­sed strength and per­so­nal iden­ti­ty, the film fea­tures a com­pel­ling prot­ago­nist and intro­du­ces a gal­lery of other sple­ndid fema­le cha­rac­ters, espe­ci­al­ly „10-months” pregnant Novi (Dea Panendra).

Surya builds ten­si­on with an assu­red mise en scè­ne then dis­si­pa­tes it with bubbly bursts of cau­st­ic humour, play­ing with ove­r­used cine­ma­tic lan­guages to find a genui­ne new style. Witty and sub­ver­si­ve, Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts is a bold and wel­co­me affront to the staid sen­si­bi­li­ties of male-cent­red cine­ma culture.


Indonesien 2017, 94 Min., indo­ne­si­sche OmU
Regie: Mouly Surya
Buch: Mouly Surya, Rama Adi
Kamera: Yunus Pasolang
Schnitt: Kikiwini Matusola

mit: Marsha Timothy, Dea Panendra, Yoga Pratama, Rita Matu Mona

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Marlina – Die Mörderin in vier Akten // Trailer // Kinostart 18. Januar 2018



A film by Barbara Albert. In german.

Set in 1770s Vienna, LICHT fol­lows an aspi­ring young harp­s­ichor­dist who­se magi­cal play­ing has alre­a­dy gai­ned noti­ce among high socie­ty. A fly in the oint­ment: the pro­di­gy is a woman, and blind. Maria Theresia von Paradis plays by ear and instinct, with heigh­ten­ed sen­ses, yet her atten­ti­ve mother and father want not­hing more than to res­to­re her sight, by wha­te­ver means pos­si­ble. Maria Theresia and her par­ents are soon at the door­step of a phy­si­ci­an who is just begin­ning to estab­lish a repu­ta­ti­on in vien­nese socie­ty: Dr. Mesmer. LICHT revol­ves around this doc­tor-pati­ent rela­ti­onship, allo­wing Albert to del­ve into a series of the­mes: gen­der dyna­mics; sci­ence ver­sus art; age and youth. Mesmer was per­cei­ved by the non-aco­lytes as a bit of a quack, but under his gent­le care, Theresia makes see­mingly mira­cu­lous pro­gress. Meanwhile socie­ty grows sus­pi­cious, her play­ing style is affec­ted, and Theresia’s once-sup­port­i­ve fami­ly beg­ins to doubt Mesmer. (Toronto Film Festival)

Österreich/D, 2017, 97 Min.

Regie: Barbara Albert
Drehbuch: Kathrin Resetarits
based on the novel «Mesmerized» by Alissa Walser
Kamera: Christine A. Maier
Schnitt: Niki Mossböck

Maria Dragus
Devid Striesow
Lukas Miko
Katja Kolm

Letzte Tage in Havanna

A film by Fernando Pérez. In spa­nish with ger­man subtitles.

Diego and Miguel are both in their mid-for­ties. They are living in a dila­pi­da­ted apart­ment in cen­tral Havana wit­hout run­ning water or any modern amen­i­ties. Miguel ear­ns his money washing dis­hes in a pri­va­te­ly run restau­rant; he, his fami­ly and neigh­bours also care for Diego, who is bedrid­den on account of his HIV infec­tion. While Diego tri­es to main­tain his joie de viv­re, Miguel beco­mes incre­asing­ly with­drawn. Only the two of them know about Miguel’s secret: he is plan­ning to emi­gra­te to the USA and is just wai­ting for his visa. When Diego’s con­di­ti­on dete­rio­ra­tes he is forced to go into hos­pi­tal and lea­ves his room to his nie­ce Yusi. When Miguel’s visa final­ly arri­ves it’s time for some sur­pri­sing decis­i­ons – and not just for him. Writer, docu­men­ta­ry film­ma­ker and direc­tor Fernando Pérez has based his screen­play on the lives of the inha­bi­tants of a tene­ment buil­ding. The resul­ting film pres­ents a vibrant kalei­do­scope of emo­ti­ons. Unfolding in tran­quil images, this sto­ry of an unu­su­al fri­end­ship also pro­vi­des an insight into a cul­tu­re in tran­si­ti­on that requi­res con­stant fle­xi­bi­li­ty and incre­di­ble opti­mism. A decla­ra­ti­on of love to the Cuban capi­tal and its inhabitants.

Últimos días en la Habana
Kuba / Spanien 2016, 93 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Fernando Pérez
Buch: Fernando Pérez, Abel Rodríguez
Kamera: Raúl Pérez Ureta
Schnitt: Rodolfo Barros
Jorge Martínez (Diego)
Patricio Wood (Miguel)
Gabriela Ramos (Yusi)
Cristian Jesús Pérez (P4)
Coralia Veloz (Clara)
Carmen Solar (Fefa)
Yailene Sierra (Miriam)
Ana Gloria Buduén (Polizistin)


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

A film by Martin McDonagh. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Mildred Hayes has lost her teenage daugh­ter who was raped and kil­led. Because the local she­riff does not put enough effort into the search for the kil­ler, Mildred is get­ting acti­ve by herself.(Viennale)

USA 2017, 112 Min., engl. OmU
Regie & Buch: Martin McDonagh 
Darsteller: Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Lucas Hedges, Clarke Peters, Abbie Cornish, Peter Dinklage,
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The Untamed

A film by Amat Escalante. In spa­nish with ger­man subtitles.

A mete­or strikes in the moun­ta­ins of Mexico. Down below in the val­ley, Alejandra and Ángel’s mar­ria­ge is in trou­ble: road worker Ángel is having an affair with Alejandra’s brot­her Fabián, despi­te his macho deme­an­or. Then an ali­en crea­tu­re appears, spre­a­ding lust and des­truc­tion. A mix of sci-fi and social dra­ma, Amat Escalante’s film was shot in his home town of Guanajuato by Chilean-Danish DoP Alberto Claro, who also len­sed MELANCHOLIA and NYMPHOMANIAC for Lars von Trier.

La región salvaje

Mexiko, Deutschland, Dänemark, Frankreich, Norwegen 2016, 100 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Amat Escalante
Drehbuch: Amat Escalante, Gibrán Portela
Kamera: Manuel Alberto Claro
Schnitt: Fernanda De la Peza, Jacob Secher Schulsinger
mit: Kenny Johnston, Ruth Ramos, Simone Bucio, Jesús Meza, Edén Villavicencio
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Tony Conrad – Completely in the Present

A film by Tyler Hubby. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

A clip from the noto­rious 1963 Jack Smith nudie FLAMING CREATURES, on which Tony Conrad work­ed, segues into his own cine­ma­tic affront, a light show cal­led THE FLICKER, the bad boy of the 1966 New York Film Festival. There was vomi­ting at the pre­mie­re; the pro­jec­tion­ist suf­fe­r­ed a migrai­ne. “No LSD nee­ded!” says film­ma­ker Larry Seven, one of the on-came­ra sub­jects in this film. TONY CONRAD: COMPLETELY IN THE PRESENT is a sharp, sweet, elo­quent docu­men­ta­ry about the mer­riest, most artis­ti­cal­ly expan­si­ve mini­ma­list on record: musi­ci­an, edu­ca­tor, acti­vist Tony Conrad. The violinist’s tran­ce­li­ke dro­ning tech­ni­que (“the first non-bag­pi­pe Western dro­ne music,” he once cal­led it) caught hold, in its ste­alt­hy way, in the 1960’s with (among others) John Cale and Lou Reed. Conrad’s work and his life asser­ted the importance of lis­tening for the sounds nobo­dy else has heard. He died this year at the age of 76. (Michael Phillips)

USA 2017, 97 Min., engl. OmU

Regie, Schnitt & Buch: Tyler Hubby
Kamera: Damian Calvo, Fortunato Procopio
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Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.