Beach Rats

A film by Eliza Hittman. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Frankie, an aim­less teen­ager living on the outer edges of Brooklyn, is having a trou­ble­so­me sum­mer. With his father dying and his mother wan­ting him to find a girl­fri­end, he tri­es to escape the ble­ak­ne­ss of his home life by caus­ing trou­ble with his delin­quent fri­ends and flir­ting with older men online. When his chat­ting and web­camming inten­si­fy, he final­ly starts hoo­king up with guys at a near­by crui­sing beach while simul­ta­neous­ly ente­ring into a cau­tious rela­ti­onship with a young woman. As Frankie strug­gles to recon­ci­le his com­pe­ting desi­res, his decis­i­ons lea­ve him hurt­ling toward irrepa­ra­ble consequences.


USA 2016, 95 Min., engl. OmU

Regie: Eliza Hittman
Kamera: Hélène Louvart
Schnitt: Scott Cummings, Joe Murphy
mit: Harris Dickinson, Madeline Weinstein, Kate Hodge
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