Die Grundschullehrerin

A film by Hélène Angel. In french with ger­man subtitles.

This is a viva­cious and emo­tio­nal­ly grip­ping sto­ry of a tea­cher caught bet­ween pas­si­on for her stu­dents and love for her child. Devoted pri­ma­ry school-tea­cher Florence (Sara Forestier) is a sin­gle mother who pours her heart and soul into her stu­dents each and every day. When she encoun­ters the dis­rup­ti­ve stu­dent Sacha and finds he has been aban­do­ned by his mother, Florence devo­tes hers­elf to hel­ping him. But Sacha’s plight com­bi­ned with her impen­ding work assess­ment put unthinkable strain on Florence, pushing her to a brea­king point whe­re she will put ever­y­thing on the line, inclu­ding her voca­ti­on and even her rela­ti­onship with her own son. While direc­tor Hélène Angel super­b­ly con­trasts the enter­tai­ning ener­gy and colour of the class­room with the lonely and con­fu­sed world of Sacha, Forestier deli­vers a magni­fi­cent per­for­mance as a woman unwil­ling to com­pro­mi­se her morals, resul­ting in a remar­kab­ly honest, opti­mi­stic and engros­sing por­tra­y­al of school life.

Primaire, Frankreich 2016, 105 Min., franz. OmU

Regie: Hélène Angel 
Drehbuch: Hélène Angel, Yann Coridian 
Kamera: Yves Angelo 
Schnitt: Christophe Pinel
mit: Albert Cousi, Ghillas Bendjoudi, Sara Forestier, Vincent Elbaz Produktion: Hélène Cases


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