The woman who left

A film by Lav Diaz. In phil­ip­pi­ne with ger­man subtitles.

Winner of the Golden Lion at the 2016 Venice Film Festival, Filipino film­ma­ker Lav Diaz’s epic sto­ry of reven­ge defer­red func­tions as a tale of urban thea­ter and class war­fa­re. After 30 years in pri­son, a woman dis­co­vers that her fri­end and fel­low inma­te com­mit­ted the mur­der of which she was accu­sed. This leads to her release and sub­se­quent dis­co­very of the man who framed her. Inspired by Tolstoy, The Woman Who Left is a sen­si­ti­ve expres­si­on of fami­ly and forgiveness.

Ang Babaeng Humayo, Philippinen 2016, 228 min, phil­ip. OmU,
Regie, Kamera & Schnitt: Lav Diaz
Buch: Lav Diaz, nach der Erzählung von Leo Tolstoi („Gott sieht die Wahrheit, aber sagt sie nicht sogleich“)
mit: Charo Santos-Concio, John Lloyd Cruz, Michael De Mesa, Nonie Buencamino. 


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The Woman Who Left – Official Trailer