The Untamed

A film by Amat Escalante. In spa­nish with ger­man subtitles.

A mete­or strikes in the moun­ta­ins of Mexico. Down below in the val­ley, Alejandra and Ángel’s mar­ria­ge is in trou­ble: road worker Ángel is having an affair with Alejandra’s brot­her Fabián, despi­te his macho deme­an­or. Then an ali­en crea­tu­re appears, spre­a­ding lust and des­truc­tion. A mix of sci-fi and social dra­ma, Amat Escalante’s film was shot in his home town of Guanajuato by Chilean-Danish DoP Alberto Claro, who also len­sed MELANCHOLIA and NYMPHOMANIAC for Lars von Trier.

La región salvaje

Mexiko, Deutschland, Dänemark, Frankreich, Norwegen 2016, 100 Min., span. OmU
Regie: Amat Escalante
Drehbuch: Amat Escalante, Gibrán Portela
Kamera: Manuel Alberto Claro
Schnitt: Fernanda De la Peza, Jacob Secher Schulsinger
mit: Kenny Johnston, Ruth Ramos, Simone Bucio, Jesús Meza, Edén Villavicencio
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