Category Archives: archiv

Documentary series by Julian Vogel | 87min | 67min | 85min | DE 2023

Camera: Luise Schröder, Julian Vogel
Sound: Oscar Stiebitz, Julian Vogel
Editor: Gregor Bartsch, Sebastian Winkels

Munich 2016, Halle 2019 and Hanau 2020: three right-wing extre­mist attacks by so-cal­led „lone wol­ves: Alleged lone per­pe­tra­tors who, see­mingly wit­hout being part of clas­sic extre­mist struc­tures, radi­cal­i­zed them­sel­ves on the Internet and sud­den­ly struck in public spaces. These are sto­ries that now domi­na­te the head­lines: Right-wing ter­ror is curr­ent­ly con­side­red the grea­test thre­at to demo­cra­cy in Germany, accor­ding to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. And this despi­te the fact that until recent­ly such per­pe­tra­tors were often clas­si­fied as men­tal­ly ill, „con­fu­sed” lone per­pe­tra­tors and thus denied their racism. These times are over: After the attack in Hanau, Frank Walter Steinmeier spo­ke of an „attack on all of us”. But who are „all of us”?

The tri­lo­gy „EINZELTÄTER (Parts 1–3)” inde­pendent­ly takes the per­spec­ti­ve of the peo­p­le who­se rela­ti­ves were actual­ly the tar­get of the attacks and who­se lives will never be the same again.


Arbnor lost his sis­ter in the 2016 attack at the Olympia shop­ping cen­ter, Hasan and Sibel lost their son. For a long time, the rela­ti­ves had to fight for the sta­te to reco­gni­ze the racist back­ground of the crime. Only after the attacks in Halle and Hanau did they succeed.


EKarsten lost his only son Kevin in the Halle attack. While the public wat­ches the tri­al of the right-wing extre­mist per­pe­tra­tor, he strug­gles to deal with his grief. He finds sup­port in the Halle FC fan scene.


The racist attack of February 19, 2020 has chan­ged Hanau-Kesselstadt. People of dif­fe­rent ori­g­ins live here, and six of the nine vic­tims died here. After the attack, peo­p­le here stick tog­e­ther, try to deal with the con­se­quen­ces of the act, and fight for cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on. And this is whe­re the father of the per­pe­tra­tor and the sur­vi­ving rela­ti­ves of the vic­tims live in the imme­dia­te vicinity.

Since 2018, I have been in cont­act with sur­vi­vors of the racist attack in Munich in 2016, which was initi­al­ly clas­si­fied by the inves­ti­ga­ting aut­ho­ri­ties as a non-poli­ti­cal ram­pa­ge. This chan­ged with the attack in Halle in 2019, in the wake of which the Munich act was clas­si­fied as right-wing vio­lence and right-wing extre­mism as the grea­test thre­at to the secu­ri­ty situa­ti­on. After the attack of Hanau 2020, which brought the pro­blem of right-wing „lone per­pe­tra­tors” ulti­m­ate­ly into public con­scious­ness, I deci­ded to make a docu­men­ta­ry film that accom­pa­nies the mour­ning work of the bere­a­ved and their rela­ti­onship to the social dimen­si­on of the­se three acts. The result was a tri­lo­gy. The fami­lies in Munich and Hanau are united by the fact that their mour­ning work is inter­wo­ven with the fight against racism. In Halle, the situa­ti­on is dif­fe­rent: Kevin’s father Karsten has to deal with the death of his child becau­se someone wan­ted to strike a mino­ri­ty to which he hims­elf does not belong. For me, his grief was no less tou­ch­ing than the grief of the other peo­p­le affec­ted. It was imortant to me to also dedi­ca­te mys­elf to his story

Blagas Lessons

Eine Frage der Würde – Blaga’s Lessons

A film by Stephan Komandarev. In Bulgarian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Blaga is a seven­ty-year-old recent­ly wido­wed for­mer tea­cher and a woman of firm morals. When tele­pho­ne scam­mers con her out of the money that she had saved for her husband’s gra­ve, her moral com­pass slow­ly beg­ins to lose its bea­rings… Stephan Komandarev’s past films have sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly cri­ti­ci­zed the inau­s­pi­cious social situa­ti­on in post-com­mu­nist Bulgaria, and Blaga’s Lessons is no dif­fe­rent. In this evo­ca­ti­ve dra­ma fea­turing a mas­terful per­for­mance from Eli Skorcheva as Blaga, Komandarev aims his lens at the lives of today’s seni­or citi­zens – a vul­nerable group whom poli­ti­ci­ans so often pro­mi­se the right to a digni­fied life… but rea­li­ty is much different.


BG/DE 2023, 119 Min., bul­ga­ri­sche OmU
Regie: Stephan Komandarev
Kamera: Vesselin Hristov
Schnitt: Nina Altaparmakova
mit Eli Skorcheva, Ivan Barnev, Gerasim Georgiev, Stefan Denolyubov, Rozalia Abgarian, Ivaylo Hristov

Eine Frage der Würde (Blaga’s Lessons )| offi­zi­el­ler Trailer mit dt. Untertitel
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A film by Tina Satter. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The social media pro­fi­le of a young woman includes pic­tures of her pets, her fri­ends, and her exer­cise rou­ti­ne. But on June 2, 2017, the posts come to an end. This film beg­ins on the fol­lo­wing day and con­ta­ins ver­ba­tim dia­lo­gue from the unedi­ted tran­script of an FBI audio recor­ding. The audi­ence wit­nesses the prot­ago­nist – play­ed by Sydney Sweeney – arri­ving at her home in Georgia, only to be met by two men out­side who poli­te­ly inform her that they have a search war­rant. What fol­lows is a cham­ber pie­ce focu­sing on the inter­ro­ga­ti­on of whist­le-blower Reality Winner and the search of her home.
Director Tina Satter pres­ents a snapshot of recent US histo­ry that deri­ves all of its ten­si­on from the gra­vi­ty of the situa­ti­on. The strong imagery and subt­le direc­tion of the actors in this dra­ma places it on the cusp of docu­men­ta­ry. This enables an unob­s­truc­ted view of the events of that day – befo­re they beca­me a case that was to pola­ri­se the press, the gene­ral public and politics.


US 2023, 85 Min., eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Tina Satter
Kamera: Paul Yee
Schnitt: Jennifer Vecchiarello, Ron Dulin
mit Sydney Sweeney, Josh Hamilton, Marchánt Davis

REALITY (offi­zi­el­ler OmU Trailer) – mit Sydney Sweeney in einem Film von Tina Satter
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Green Border

A film by Agnieszka Holland. In Polish, Arabic, English and French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A Syrian fami­ly lea­ves the vio­lence of their coun­try behind. Their goal is to get from Belarus to Poland and final­ly to the safe haven of Sweden. But while tra­vel­ling through the Polish-Belarusian bor­der regi­on, they beco­me a poli­ti­cal play­thing instru­men­ta­li­sed both by the Polish govern­ment and press for their own pur­po­ses. Polish mas­ter direc­tor Agnieszka Holland deli­vers a haun­ting and moving dra­ma. Her com­plex poli­ti­cal por­tra­y­al focu­ses on the inter­play bet­ween offi­ci­als, acti­vists and civi­li­ans. An unspa­ring film that forces our socie­ty not to look away.


PL, FR, CZ, BE 2023, 147 Min., pol­nisch, ara­bisch, eng­lisch, fran­zö­si­sche OmU
Regie: Agnieszka Holland
Kamera: Tomek Naumiuk,
Schnitt: Pavel Hrdlička
mit: Jalal Altawil, Maja Ostaszewska, Behi Djanati Atai, Mohamad Al Rashi, Dalia Naous, Tomasz Włosok

Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln.
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The Royal Hotel

A film by Kitty Green. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Americans Hanna and Liv are best fri­ends back­pack­ing in Australia. After they run out of money, Liv, loo­king for an adven­ture, con­vin­ces Hanna to take a tem­po­ra­ry live-in job behind the bar of a pub cal­led ’The Royal Hotel’ in a remo­te Outback mining town. Bar owner Billy and a host of locals give the girls a rio­tous intro­duc­tion to Down Under drin­king cul­tu­re but soon Hanna and Liv find them­sel­ves trap­ped in an unner­ving situa­ti­on that grows rapidly out of their control.


AU 2023, 91 Min., eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Kitty Green
Kamera: Michael Latham
Schnitt: Kasra Rassoulzadegan
mit Jessica Henwick, Julia Garner, Hugo Weaving, Bree Bain, Toby Wallace

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Im toten Winkel

A film by Ayşe Polat. In German, Turkish, Kurdish, English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A German docu­men­ta­ry film pro­ject in north-eas­tern Turkey. Simone wants to learn more about Hatice, who­se son was abduc­ted a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry ago. Storytelling to pre­vent for­get­ting, ritu­als to con­test dis­ap­pearance. The lives of the Kurdish peo­p­le – lives lived in a blind spot – are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by vio­lence and resis­tance to an uncer­tain exis­tence. Strange inci­dents soon overs­ha­dow the film­ing as well: tur­ning up along­side inter­pre­ter Leyla and direct­ly in front of the came­ra is the neighbour’s litt­le daugh­ter Melek, with her pret­ty pur­ple dress and a mys­te­rious gaze that goes right through you. What fol­lows is a subt­ly framed, cold­ly bru­tal poli­ti­cal thril­ler told in three chap­ters and from mul­ti­ple per­spec­ti­ves. For it is not only the stra­te­gies of sinis­ter orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and the logic of para­noia that is the focus of this cle­ver and com­plex cine­ma­tic conundrum, but the act of see­ing its­elf – in all its dimen­si­ons, from obser­va­ti­on to pro­phe­cy. The blind spot is in fact trau­ma, of the trans­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal kind. German-Kurdish direc­tor, screen­wri­ter and pro­du­cer Ayşe Polat stages it to perfection.


DE 2023, 118 Min., Deutsch, Türkisch, Kurdisch, Englisch OmU
Regie: Ayşe Polat
Kamera: Patrick Orth
Schnitt: Serhad Mutlu, Jörg Volkmar
mit Katja Bürkle, Ahmet Varlı, Çağla Yurga, Aybi Era, Maximilian Hemmersdorfer, Nihan Okutucu, Tudan Ürper, Mutallip Müjdeci, Rıza Akın, Aziz Çapkurt

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Knochen und Namen

Knochen und Namen

A film by Fabian Stumm. In German and French with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Don’t ask me how I feel about some­thing if you don’t want to hear it!” “I do want to hear it, but some­ti­mes it’s just not true.” Actor Boris and wri­ter Jonathan are a cou­ple. But their rela­ti­onship has rea­ched a point whe­re they might as well spend their evenings tog­e­ther sepa­ra­te­ly: one lies in bed rea­ding scripts, while the other works at a desk in the next room. Immersing hims­elf deeper and deeper into rehear­sals for a new film with an ambi­tious direc­tor, Boris beg­ins to con­fu­se real and fic­tion­al cha­rac­ters; mean­while, Jonathan tri­es to rede­fi­ne his voice as a wri­ter. During the­se days spent strugg­ling with emo­tio­nal distance and clo­sen­ess, trust, desi­re and fear of loss, Boris’s litt­le nie­ce Josie flits about like Shakespeare’s Puck, test­ing her boun­da­ries.
Knochen und Namen is actor Fabian Stumm’s direc­to­ri­al and screen­play fea­ture-length debut. Unfolding in humo­rous and ten­der sequen­ces that take place in demar­ca­ted, cha­rac­te­ristic set­tings (bed­room, super­mar­ket and rehear­sal room), his film is an intel­li­gent and enter­tai­ning reflec­tion on relationships.


DE 2023, 104 Min., dt., frz. OmU
Regie: Fabian Stumm
Kamera: Michael Bennett
Schnitt: Kaspar Panizza
mit Fabian Stumm, Knut Berger, Marie-Lou Sellem, Susie Meyer, Magnus Mariuson, Doreen Fietz, Alma Meyer-Prescott, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Godehard Giese

KNOCHEN UND NAMEN Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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Olfas Töchter

A film by Kaouther Ben Hania. In Arabic with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Between light and dark­ness stands Olfa, a Tunisian woman and the mother of four daugh­ters.
One day, her two older daugh­ters dis­ap­pear. To fill in their absence, the film­ma­ker Kaouther Ben Hania invi­tes pro­fes­sio­nal actres­ses and invents a uni­que cine­ma expe­ri­ence that will lift the veil on Olfa and her daugh­ters’ life sto­ries.
An inti­ma­te jour­ney of hope, rebel­li­on, vio­lence, trans­mis­si­on and sis­ter­hood that will ques­ti­on the very foun­da­ti­ons of our societies.


FR, TN, DE SA 2023, 110 Min., arab. OmU
Regie: Kaouther Ben Hania
Kamera: Farouk Laaridh
Schnitt: Jean-Christophe Hym, Qutaiba Barhamji
mit Hend Sabri, Olfa Hamrouni, Eya Chikhaoui, Tayssir Chikhaoui, Nour Karoui, Ichraq Matar, Ma..

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Joan Baez I Am A Noise

Joan Baez I Am A Noise

A film by Karen O’Connor, Miri Navasky, Maeve O’Boyle. In English with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Since her debut at the age of 18, musi­ci­an, civil rights cam­pai­gner and acti­vist Joan Baez has been on stage for over 60 years. For the now 82-year-old, the per­so­nal has always been poli­ti­cal, and her fri­end­ship with Martin Luther King and her paci­fism have shaped her com­mit­ment. In this bio­gra­phy that opens with her fare­well tour, Baez takes stock in an unspa­ring fashion and con­fronts some­ti­mes pain­ful memo­ries. She not only shares her suc­ces­ses but also speaks open­ly about long-stan­ding psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­blems and the­ra­pies, about fami­ly, drugs, age­ing and ques­ti­ons of guilt and for­gi­ve­ness. She makes it clear that, during her rela­ti­onship with the very young Bob Dylan, she used her cele­bri­ty to launch his care­er. Her dis­ap­point­ment at her later estran­ge­ment from him beco­mes pal­pa­ble.
Thanks to a long-term fri­end­ship with one of the film’s direc­tors, Karen O’Connor, Baez gran­ted the direc­ting trio access to the “inner demons” that have plagued her sin­ce youth. Their film inter­wea­ves dia­ry ent­ries and a wealth of part­ly pre­vious­ly unseen archi­ve mate­ri­al with exten­si­ve con­ver­sa­ti­ons with Baez, as well as back­stage moments from the tour. An inti­ma­te por­trait that will not only be of inte­rest to her fans.


US 2023, 113 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Karen O’Connor, Miri Navasky, Maeve O’Boyle
Kamera: Wolfgang Held, Ben McCoy, Tim Grucza
Schnitt: Maeve O’Boyle
mit Joan Baez, Mimi Farina, Bob Dylan, David Harris

JOAN BAEZ I AM NOISE – Trailer OmdU German | Deutsch
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Rückkehr nach Korsika

A film by Catherine Corsini. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Jessica and Farrah spend the sum­mer with their mother on Corsica, whe­re both sis­ters were born. The two ado­le­s­cents go swim­ming, have par­ties and make their first sexu­al expe­ri­en­ces. But the loca­ti­on also brings an old fami­ly trau­ma back to the sur­face – the three of them left the island 15 years ago under tra­gic cir­cum­s­tances. Director Catherine Corsini and her won­derful stars imbue the gen­re of the sum­mer movie with an unu­su­al depth – wit­hout for­get­ting about the holi­day feeling.


FR 2023, 106 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Catherine Corsini
Kamera: Jeanne Lapoirie
Schnitt: Frédéric Baillehaiche
mit: Aïssatou Diallo Sagna, Esther Gohourou, Suzy Bemba, Lomane de Dietrich, Cédric Appietto, Marie-Ange Géronimi, Harold Orsoni, Virginie Ledoyen, Denis Podalydès

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