
A film by Francesco Rizzi. In Italian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Suter is a mys­te­rious, soli­ta­ry man, con­stant­ly on the move, esca­ping from hims­elf. By day he tra­vels across Switzerland in an unmark­ed white van. By night, he secret­ly obser­ves the life of Anna, a rebel­lious woman strugg­ling with the after­math of trau­ma. After dis­co­ve­ring Suter’s obses­si­on, Anna deve­lo­ps a stran­ge form of inti­ma­cy with him, which quick­ly ver­ges on a ten­der, yet dis­quie­ting rela­ti­onship. But even that fra­gi­le balan­ce is threa­ten­ed by a dark secret…


CH 2019, 93 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Francesco Rizzi 
Kamera: Simon Guy Fässler 
Schnitt: Giuseppe Trepiccione 
mit: Vinicio Marchioni , Sabine Timoteo , Leonardo Nigro , Giorgia Salari , Jasmin Mattei , Adele Raes , Joachim Aeschlimann


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 
