Der letzte Jolly-Boy

A film by Hans-Erich Viet.  In German

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Hans-Erich Viet’s docu­men­ta­ry tells the sto­ry of 97-year-old Holocaust sur­vi­vor Leon Schwarzbaum. Born in Hamburg, he grew up in Poland and was the only mem­ber of his fami­ly to sur­vi­ve the con­cen­tra­ti­on camps of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. He was an obser­ver at the Lüneburg SS tri­al and was a co-plain­ti­ff in the Auschwitz SS tri­als in Detmold and Hanau. A road movie through deca­des of German histo­ry and sto­ries – with a man who sang as a teen­ager in a boy band known as the „Jolly Boys“, inspi­red by American swing music.


DE 2018 105 Min.
Regie: Hans-Erich Viet
Drehbuch: Hans-Erich Viet
Kamera: Thomas Keller, Nina Frey
Schnitt: Nina Caspers


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Der letz­te Jolly Boy – Trailer from Cine Complete Postproduction on Vimeo.