What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?

A film by Roberto Minervini. In English with German subtitles.

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Shot in lumi­nous black and white, the latest from Roberto Minervini (The Other Side) del­ves into the ever­y­day lives of Black Americans fight­ing for jus­ti­ce and sur­vi­val in the sum­mer of 2017, wea­ving mas­terful­ly bet­ween four wren­ching sto­ry­li­nes in New Orleans and Jackson County, Mississippi.

Throughout his care­er the Italian-born, Texas-based Roberto Minervini (The Other Side, Wavelengths ’15) has estab­lished a pro­vo­ca­ti­ve cine­ma­tic style and mode of pro­duc­tion, immer­sing hims­elf in the com­mu­ni­ties in which he works. The results are often reve­la­to­ry in the most lite­ral sen­se, yiel­ding unfor­gettable and vis­ce­ral moving images of rare­ly seen lives on the margins.

Minervini’s fifth fea­ture, What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?, is cer­tain to be one of the year’s most tal­ked-about films. Shot in lumi­nous black and white, the film del­ves into the ever­y­day lives of Black Americans fight­ing for jus­ti­ce and sur­vi­val in the sum­mer of 2017, shif­ting mas­terful­ly bet­ween four wren­ching sto­ry­li­nes in New Orleans and Jackson County, Mississippi.

The film obser­ves Judy Hill, who stri­ves to keep her fami­ly and fri­ends afloat (finan­ci­al­ly, as much as emo­tio­nal­ly) as her bar is threa­ten­ed; the two young brot­hers Ronaldo and Titus, who­se neigh­bour­hood is plagued by vio­lence; Kevin, the Big Chief of the Indian tra­di­ti­on of Mardi Gras, who is kee­ping the cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge of his peo­p­le ali­ve; and The New Black Panthers, who car­ry out a door-to-door people’s inves­ti­ga­ti­on of a kil­ling attri­bu­ted to the Ku Klux Klan.

A film of urgen­cy, com­mu­ni­ty, righ­teous anger, and grace, it is impos­si­ble to be unaf­fec­ted by the peo­p­le encoun­te­red in What You Gonna Do. With start­ling inti­ma­cy, seam­less pro­xi­mi­ty, and a skilful struc­tu­ral design, Minervini’s por­traits coale­s­ce into a powerful indict­ment of white supre­ma­cy in the American South, and a moving tes­ta­ment to human digni­ty, empa­thy, and resilience.



Italien/USA/Frankreich 2018, 123 Min., eng­li­sche OmU, schwarz-weiß
Regie, Drehbuch: Roberto Minervini
Kamera: Diego Romero
Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo


What you gon­na do when the world’s on fire?

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