
A film by Visar Morina.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

First, there’s a dead rat han­ging on the door of the house whe­re Xhafer lives with his wife and child­ren. Then the emails he sends are ‘acci­den­tal­ly’ no lon­ger being recei­ved. The signs that this phar­maceu­ti­cal engi­neer is being bul­lied and haras­sed in his work­place are incre­asing. Even if neither his wife nor his col­le­agues seem to belie­ve him, this man, who is ori­gi­nal­ly from Kosovo but who has been well inte­gra­ted for years, feels more and more out­cast from his (German) com­mu­ni­ty. Or is he losing touch with reality?
In his second fea­ture-length film, direc­tor Visar Morina dis­sects the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal effects of social exclu­si­on and pres­ents them here as an inter­play bet­ween belon­ging and ali­en­ati­on. Morina com­bi­nes subt­le images that gra­du­al­ly shift accor­ding to his protagonist’s sta­te with meti­cu­lous per­for­man­ces from his ensem­ble, to descri­be the importance of per­so­na­li­ty when it comes to inte­gra­ting into ano­ther socie­ty, and how quick­ly cracks can deve­lop in the sup­po­sedly firm con­s­truct that is identity.


Deutschland / Belgien / Kosovo 2020, 121 Min., deutsch, alba­ni­sche Om
Regie: Visar Morina

Kamera: Matteo Cocco
Montage: Laura Lauzemis, Hansjörg Weißbrich, Visar Morina
mit Mišel Matičević, Sandra Hüller, Rainer Bock, Thomas Mraz


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EXIL I Offizieller Trailer deutsch I Jetzt im Kino
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