Dreaming of Banana Plants

A film by Antje Hubert.

The resi­dents of Oberndorf could no lon­ger stand pas­si­ve­ly by as their vil­la­ge went fur­ther and fur­ther into decli­ne. The first action was a café run by vol­un­teers. But when the school clo­ses down, the locals and peo­p­le who had moved the­re later rea­li­sed they were facing a much grea­ter chall­enge. The town nee­ded to make money to keep young fami­lies from moving away. With the help of a pro­ject deve­lo­per, they come up with a bold plan and set up a public limi­t­ed com­pa­ny. They busi­ness model is based on liquid manu­re, which is available in vast quan­ti­ties. The idea is to build a bio­gas plant. With the ener­gy, they would rai­se African cat­fi­sh – a tasty fish – and build green­hou­ses to grow exo­tic fruits like bana­nas, all in a clo­sed, was­te-free sys­tem. The idea takes off. But there’s a long way to go befo­re the first fish are rea­dy for market.

D 2016  92 Min. German Version
B., R.:  Antje Hubert
K.: Andreas Stonawski
S.:Magdolna Roko
mit den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern von Oberndorf und Projektentwicklern aus Berlin

Von Bananenbäumen träu­men – Trailer 1 – Deutsch