The Souvenir – Part II

A film by Joanna Hogg. In English with German subtitles-

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

In the second part of her self-explo­ra­to­ry diptych, Joanna Hogg ful­ly rea­li­zes the Proustian impli­ca­ti­ons of film­ing her memo­ries. In the begin­ning, it seems as if the film just took off whe­re the first one stop­ped, but ins­tead of moving on with the emo­tio­nal rol­ler­co­as­ter ride, the mour­ning echo of Anthony’s absence now takes over and rela­tes all actions to the ques­ti­on asked at the very begin­ning of the first film: how to film life? How to film what real­ly hap­pen­ed?
As Julia tri­es to cope with her life and make her gra­dua­ti­on film about her rela­ti­onship with Anthony, we redis­co­ver cine­ma as a means to heal our wounds, not neces­s­a­ri­ly becau­se ever­y­thing works out, but becau­se films and the exhaus­ting ways of making them enable us to find new per­spec­ti­ves on exis­tence. Rarely have the doubts of gro­wing up mer­ged so beau­tiful­ly with fin­ding one’s voice as an artist, such as in the sequen­ces remi­nis­cent of Hogg’s own first shorts when Julia gets lost in a Cocteau laby­rinth of sur­re­al memo­ries and phan­ta­sies.
This expres­sio­nist out­burst stands in stark con­trast to the casu­al and ten­der obser­va­tions across the rest of the film, but also pres­ents us with the dis­co­very of a lan­guage that cros­ses the bridge bet­ween expe­ri­ence and film. (Patrick Holzapfel)


GB 2021, 107 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Joanna Hogg
Kamera: David Raedeker
Schnitt :Helle le Fevre
Mit Honor Swinton Byrne, Tilda Swinton, James Spencer Ashworth, Alice McMillan, Oli Bauer, Ariane Labed, Richard Ayoade

The Souvenir Part II – Offizieller Trailer
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