
A film by Carla Simón. In Catalan with German and English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

For as long as they can remem­ber, the Solé fami­ly has spent every sum­mer picking the pea­ches in their orchard in Alcarràs, a small vil­la­ge in Spain’s Catalonia regi­on. But this year’s crop may well be their last, as they face evic­tion. The new plans for the land, which include cut­ting down the peach trees and instal­ling solar panels, cau­se a rift in this lar­ge, tight-knit fami­ly. For the first time, they face an uncer­tain future and risk losing more than their orchard.
After her beau­tiful debut Summer 1993, Carla Simón draws again on her expe­ri­ence of rural life in the Catalan coun­try­si­de, whe­re human acti­vi­ty is part of a cycle gover­ned by sea­sons in a capri­cious cli­ma­te. Family dyna­mics may be mud­di­ed by eco­no­mic con­cerns, but the­re are also dif­fe­ren­ces in how each indi­vi­du­al rela­tes to time. The youn­ger ones enjoy a see­mingly ever­las­ting pre­sent while father bul­lish­ly igno­res the immi­nent future, and grand­fa­ther is rely­ing on a long-for­got­ten pro­mi­se to pro­ve owner­ship of their house … This varie­ty is well-ser­ved by the natu­ral per­for­man­ces of the ensem­ble cast and ensu­res that poli­ti­cal­ly rele­vant the­mes are pre­sen­ted to us in a subt­le man­ner. The fami­ly is only able to find com­mon ground in tra­di­ti­on, which lea­ves us with a genui­ne dis­com­fort about what lies ahead.

Goldener Bär – Berlinale 2022


ES/IT 2022, 120 Min., kata­la­ni­sche Originalfassung mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertitlen
Carla Simón
Buch: Arnau Vilaró, Carla Simón
Kamera: Daniela Cajías
Schnitt: Ana Pfaff
mit Jordi Pujol Dolcet, Anna Otin, Xènia Roset, Albert Bosch, Ainet Jounou, Josep Abad, Montse Oró, Carles Cabós, Berta Pipó

OmU-Trailer ALCARRÀSDIE LETZTE ERNTE – ab 11. August im Kino
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