
A fillm by Makoto Shinkai. In Japanese with German subtitles

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In a small, peaceful town on Japan’s sou­thern island of Kyushu, 17-year-old Suzume has lived with her aunt ever sin­ce she lost her mother as a litt­le girl. One day on her way to school, she meets a mys­te­rious young man named Souta who is in search of a door. She fol­lows him into the moun­ta­ins and finds a dila­pi­da­ted old door stan­ding alo­ne among ruins. On an impul­se, Suzume turns the hand­le, and at once sets free all the cala­mi­ties the por­tal was meant to con­tain. All around Japan other doors open, threa­tening a popu­la­ti­on una­wa­re of the loo­ming dan­ger. Together, Suzume and Souta set out on a jour­ney to clo­se them all again.
Written and direc­ted by ani­me auteur Makoto Shinkai, this epic adven­ture takes us across the length and breadth of Japan, ven­tu­ring out­side metro­po­li­tan hubs to seek doors of dis­as­ter in the aban­do­ned infra­struc­tures of depo­pu­la­ted rural are­as. As we fol­low this young woman in her fran­tic search, we rea­li­se that she is also enga­ged in a per­so­nal quest for matu­ri­ty and free­dom. An inti­ma­te por­trait that is also a stu­dy of a vul­nerable yet com­ba­ti­ve nati­on, Suzume is a sign of resi­li­ence at a time when Mother Earth is sen­ding human­kind evi­dence of her fury.


JP 2022, 122 Min., Japanisch mit dt. und engl. UT,
Regie & Schnitt: Makoto Shinkai
Character Design: Masayoshi Tanaka
Animation Director: Kenichi Tsuchiya

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