All the Beauty and the Bloodshed

All the Beauty and the Bloodshed

A film by Laura Poitras. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

All the Beauty and the Bloodshed is an epic, emo­tio­nal and inter­con­nec­ted sto­ry about inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned artist and acti­vist Nan Goldin told through her slide­shows, inti­ma­te inter­views, ground-brea­king pho­to­gra­phy, and rare foo­ta­ge of her per­so­nal fight to hold the Sackler fami­ly accoun­ta­ble for the opio­id crisis.

Directed by Academy Award®-winning film­ma­ker Laura Poitras, the film inter­wea­ves Goldin’s past and pre­sent, the deep­ly per­so­nal and urgen­tly poli­ti­cal, from P.A.I.N.’s actions at renow­ned art insti­tu­ti­ons to Goldin’s pho­to­gra­phy of her fri­ends and peers through her epic “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency” and her legen­da­ry 1989, NEA-cen­so­red AIDS exhi­bi­ti­on, “Witness: Against Our Vanishing.”

The sto­ry beg­ins with P.A.I.N., a group Goldin foun­ded to shame muse­ums into rejec­ting Sackler money, destig­ma­ti­ze addic­tion and pro­mo­te harm reduc­tion. Inspired by Act Up, they orchestra­ted pro­tests to call atten­ti­on to the toxic phil­an­thro­py of the Sackler fami­ly, who­se com­pa­ny, Purdue Pharma, igni­ted the opio­id epi­de­mic with its block­bus­ter drug, OxyContin.

At the core of the film are Goldin’s art works “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”; “The Other Side”; “Sisters, Saints and Sibyls”; and “Memory Lost.” In the­se works, Goldin cap­tures her fri­end­ships with beau­ty and raw ten­der­ness. These fri­end­ships, and the lega­cy of her sis­ter Barbara, anchor all of Goldin’s art.


US 2022, 117 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Laura Poitras
Kamera: Nan Goldin
mit: Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, Marina Berio 

All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (OmU Trailer) – Nan Goldin, Laura Poitras
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