Spreeland – Fontane

A Film by  Bernhard Sallman.  On March 31st. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

The rivers used to run the way they run today. Sure, they car­ri­ed other water. But isn’t water always water? We see water in almost every take of this cine­ma­tic ram­ble through Brandenburg’s Spree are­as – moving, sta­g­nant, clear, mur­ky, over­flowing, dam­med up, liquid, fro­zen – in sta­tic takes, audio­vi­su­al crystal­liza­ti­ons of the onto­lo­gi­cal modes of water, always both his­to­ric tableau and view of the pre­sent day: the rivers that flow or stand still the way they always used to flow or stand still and the high­ways bey­ond their banks, the smo­king chim­neys of power plants in the back­ground, the motor boats, the jet­ties, the bridges, the ship­ping facilities.

After “Oderland. Fontane” and “Rhinland. Fontane”, Bernhard Sallmann is now pre­sen­ting “Spreeland Fontane”, his third film essay adapt­a­ti­on of the five-volu­me tra­ve­lo­gue “Ramblings through Brandenburg”. Offscreen, Judica Albrecht’s crys­tal clear, almost black and white voice reci­tes pas­sa­ges from the impres­si­ons the famous German wri­ter Theodor Fontane tur­ned into pro­se, while onscreen the places of influx whe­re histo­ry and the pre­sent age flow tog­e­ther are revealed.

Lukas Stern


DE 2018, 79 Min., Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Bernhard Sallmann


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