spk Komplex

A film by Gerd Kroske.

The anti-psych­ia­tric Socialist Patients‘ Collective (SPK) was foun­ded in Heidelberg in 1970 and attri­bu­ted indi­vi­du­al suf­fe­ring to society’s capi­ta­list struc­tures. It began as a self-orga­nis­ed expe­ri­ment in group the­ra­py led by doc­tor Wolfgang Huber with psych­ia­tric pati­ents, fea­turing Hegel rea­dings and indi­vi­du­al agi­ta­ti­on, befo­re sub­se­quent­ly radi­cal­i­sing, which ended in cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings against its mem­bers, some of whom went under­ground with the Red Army Faction. This film exami­nes a litt­le known chap­ter in West German histo­ry in impres­si­ve, unpre­ten­tious fashion. A pre­cise pic­tu­re of the social cli­ma­te lea­ding up to the German Autumn emer­ges from pains­ta­kin­gly rese­ar­ched docu­ments, such as records from the inte­ri­or minis­try and the uni­ver­si­ty, press pho­tos and TV reports, trips to Stammheim pri­son and to Italy, as well as from con­ver­sa­ti­ons with for­mer SPK – some­ti­mes RAF – mem­bers, lawy­ers and sta­te poli­ce. The skil­led inter­view tech­ni­ques pro­du­ce genui­ne encoun­ters with tho­se in front of the came­ra, as they look back on their lives and the SPK and dig out old papers, the ques­ti­on of their resis­tance han­ging in the air – all dif­fe­rent lay­ers of Kroske’s historiography.

Deutschland 2018, 111 Min., dt., ital. OmU
Regie: Gerd Kroske
Kamera: Susanne Schüle, Anne Misselwitz
Schnitt:Olaf Voigtländer, Stephan Krumbiegel

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