A film by Michael Fetter Nathansky. In German with English subtitles.
Director Michael Fetter Nathansky and actress Gisa Flake return to Braunschweig with their first feature film. After 20 years Moni returns home to her sister Silke who has been attacked by a stranger. Moni is willing to do anything possible to find the attacker and to protect her sister. But is that really what Silke wants? And if so, who is actually the one being protected? And above all, protect from whom? And which role does the offender René play, who doesn’t even understand why he did it. Due to an unexplicable act the destinies of three people collapse and dissolve into a dramaturgical dance about victims, offenders and the truth that lays between the lies.
DE 2019, 104 Min.,
Regie & Buch: Michael Fetter Nathansky
Kamera: Leander Ott
Schnitt: Camila Mercadal
mit: Christina Große, Marc Ben Puch, Gisa Flake K Leander Ott