Back to the Fatherland

A film by Kat Rohrer & Gil Levanon.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Gil and Kat, fri­ends sin­ce their time at a col­lege. Gil is from Israel, Kat from Austria. Gil is the grand­d­augh­ter of Holocaust sur­vi­vors, Kat the grand­d­augh­ter of a Nazi offi­cer. Despite the­se sub­stan­ti­al dif­fe­ren­ces they have been fri­ends for over10 years. Through them we meet Dan and Guy who’s decis­i­on to move to Austria and Germany has affec­ted their rela­ti­onship with their grand­par­ents and fami­lies. The film deals with third-gene­ra­ti­on on both sides and its attempts to build their own future wit­hout igno­ring the past.

AT, IL, DE, US 2017, 75 Min.,
OV (English/Hebrew) with German Subtitles (only German dia­lo­gue will have additional
eng­lish subtitles)
Regie: Kat Rohrer & Gil Levanon
Kamera: Thomas Marschall
Schnitt: Georg Eggenfellner


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Back To The Fatherland – Offical Trailer from Kat Rohrer on Vimeo.