
A film by Carmen Losmann.  In German and English with German subtitles.

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In his 2011 essay “The Making of the Indebted Man”, phi­lo­so­pher Maurizio Lazzarato wri­tes: “Debt is not an impe­di­ment to growth. Indeed, it repres­ents the eco­no­mic and sub­jec­ti­ve engi­ne of the modern-day eco­no­my. Debt crea­ti­on, that is, the crea­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment of the power rela­ti­on bet­ween cre­di­tors and deb­tors, has been con­cei­ved and pro­grammed as the stra­te­gic heart of neo­li­be­ral poli­tics.” Carmen Losmann’s Oeconomia sets off on a jour­ney into this stra­te­gic heart. The fact that many repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the ban­king and finan­ce sec­tor would pre­fer not to speak on came­ra – and tho­se who do are often at a loss for words – makes this an unde­ni­ably ambi­tious under­ta­king. No mat­ter how trans­par­ent­ly the archi­tec­tures of banks and finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons pre­sent them­sel­ves, the direc­tor repea­ted­ly finds hers­elf in front of clo­sed doors while con­duc­ting her rese­arch. But she makes a vir­tue of neces­si­ty by using pho­ne call tran­scripts and com­pu­ter-gene­ra­ted images to bring abs­tract, dif­fi­cult-to-grasp sub­ject mat­ter to life.


DE 2020, 89 Min., dt. engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Carmen Losmann
Kamera: Dirk Lütter
Montage: Henk Drees, Carmen Losmann


Kinotrailer „Oeconomia” – Kinostart: 15. Oktober 2020

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