A film by Laura Bispuri. In italian with german subtitles.
Ten-year-old Vittoria is growing up in a Sardinian village untouched by tourism. One day at a rodeo she meets the impetuous Angelica, who is completely different to her own caring mother Tina. Vittoria does not suspect that the two women are connected by a secret. Tina has been visiting Angelica for a long time on the run-down farm where Angelica lives a happy-go-lucky life with some old horses and a faithful dog. Tina is not at all happy about Angelica and her daughter Vittoria getting to know each other. In debt, Angelica decides to move to the mainland. Relieved, Tina offers her financial support, but she cannot prevent further encounters between the two. Captivated by this fearless, independent woman, Vittoria begins rediscovering the island with her.
As in her directing debut, Vergine giurata, Laura Bispuri once again follows her protagonist as she encounters, imitates and questions several role models until she gradually discovers who she is. The warm light of a Sardinian summer accompanies Vittoria on her turbulent journey.
Berlinale 2018: Compwetition
Italien / Deutschland / Schweiz 2018, 100 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Laura Bispuri
Buch: Francesca Manieri, Laura Bispuri
Kamera: Vladan Radovic
Schnitt: Carlotta Cristiani
Valeria Golino (Tina)
Alba Rohrwacher (Angelica)
Sara Casu (Vittoria)
Udo Kier (Bruno)
Michele Carboni (Umberto)
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