Meine Tochter – Figlia Mia

A film by Laura Bispuri. In ita­li­an with ger­man subtitles.

Ten-year-old Vittoria is gro­wing up in a Sardinian vil­la­ge untouch­ed by tou­rism. One day at a rodeo she meets the impe­tuous Angelica, who is com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent to her own caring mother Tina. Vittoria does not suspect that the two women are con­nec­ted by a secret. Tina has been visi­ting Angelica for a long time on the run-down farm whe­re Angelica lives a hap­py-go-lucky life with some old hor­ses and a faithful dog. Tina is not at all hap­py about Angelica and her daugh­ter Vittoria get­ting to know each other. In debt, Angelica deci­des to move to the main­land. Relieved, Tina offers her finan­cial sup­port, but she can­not pre­vent fur­ther encoun­ters bet­ween the two. Captivated by this fearless, inde­pen­dent woman, Vittoria beg­ins redis­co­ve­ring the island with her.
As in her direc­ting debut, Vergine giura­ta, Laura Bispuri once again fol­lows her prot­ago­nist as she encoun­ters, imi­ta­tes and ques­ti­ons seve­ral role models until she gra­du­al­ly dis­co­vers who she is. The warm light of a Sardinian sum­mer accom­pa­nies Vittoria on her tur­bu­lent journey.
Berlinale 2018: Compwetition

Italien / Deutschland / Schweiz 2018, 100 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Laura Bispuri
Buch: Francesca Manieri, Laura Bispuri
Kamera: Vladan Radovic
Schnitt: Carlotta Cristiani
Valeria Golino (Tina)
Alba Rohrwacher (Angelica)
Sara Casu (Vittoria)
Udo Kier (Bruno)
Michele Carboni (Umberto)

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