Am Strand

A film by Dominik Cooke. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

In the ear­ly 1960s, a young cou­ple on their honey­moon strugg­le to phy­si­cal­ly con­nect in this sen­si­ti­ve adapt­a­ti­on of Ian McEwan’s acclai­med short novel.
As Florence (Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn) and Edward (Billy Howle, Dunkirk) sett­le down for their first din­ner as a mar­ried cou­ple, a ner­vous ener­gy fills the air. But while it might appear the fled­gling hus­band and wife are suf­fe­ring from wed­ding night jit­ters, it beco­mes appa­rent that some­thing else is crea­ting the divi­de as the ine­vi­ta­bi­li­ty of phy­si­cal inti­ma­cy looms ever closer.
Gorgeously len­sed by Sean Bobbitt (12 Years a Slave) and impec­ca­bly adapt­ed for the screen by McEwan hims­elf, Dominic Cooke’s quiet­ly heart­brea­king debut is a work of subt­le res­traint, cap­tu­ring the intri­ca­ci­es of the source mate­ri­al with grace and delicacy.
Ronan shi­nes as the hesi­tant young bri­de, ably sup­port­ed by rising star Howle, both of whom express so much, even when their cha­rac­ters strugg­le to find the words. For a film in which many emo­ti­ons remain uns­po­ken, this melan­cho­lic love sto­ry speaks pro­found­ly about the fra­gi­li­ty of human rela­ti­onships and the des­truc­ti­ve natu­re of silence.

On Chesil Beach
England 2017, 110 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Dominic Cooke
Kamera: Sean Bobitt
Schnitt: Nick Fenton
Darsteller: Saoirse Ronan, Billy Howle, Anne Marie-Duff, Adrian Scarborough, Emily Watson, Samuel West


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