Living the light – Die Bilderwelten des Robby Müller

A film by Claire Pijman. In English, French and Dutch with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Robby Müller (1940–2018) was a lumi­na­ry, but not in the way this term is com­mon­ly used. He could easi­ly have play­ed one of the wise and taci­turn Indians in Jim Jarmusch’s Acid Western “Dead Man”. But that was impos­si­ble becau­se he was the DOP of this film, for which he con­ju­red his spe­cial, firm and almost pain­ter­ly, but also trans­pa­rent and shim­me­ring light onto the screen, as he did for around 70 other mas­ter­pie­ces of inter­na­tio­nal auteur cinema.

Over deca­des the cine­ma­to­grapher kept a video dia­ry which the film­ma­ker Claire Pijman alre­a­dy work­ed with for the gre­at exhi­bi­ti­on “Master of Light” at the Amsterdam EYE Film Museum and which she now uses as the cen­tral pool of images for her own film, “Living the Light”. Fellow cine­ma­to­grapher Agnès Godard says about a sequence bet­ween Dennis Hopper and Nicholas Ray from Wim Wenders’ “The American Friend” that mas­ter­ship for her is achie­ved only when the gran­deur of the cine­ma­to­gra­phy makes its­elf vanish from a sce­ne becau­se it beco­mes its natu­ral com­po­nent. Strange that one always feels that one can almost hear Robby Müller’s images. In “Living the Light”, this impres­si­on is under­li­ned by deli­ca­te­ly impro­vi­sed sound­scapes by Jim Jarmusch and Carter Logan.

Ralph Eue


NL DE 2018 86 Min. OmU (Engl., Niederl., Franz. mit deut­schen Untertiteln)
Regie : Claire Pijman
Kamera : Robby Muller, Claire Pijman 
Schnitt: Katharina Wartena
Music: Squrl (Jim Jarmusch and Carter Logan)

offi­zi­el­le Webseite (engl.)


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Living the Light – die Bilderwelten des Robby Müller / Trailer from Chromosom Film on Vimeo.