A film by Claire Pijman. In English, French and Dutch with German subtitles.
Robby Müller (1940–2018) was a luminary, but not in the way this term is commonly used. He could easily have played one of the wise and taciturn Indians in Jim Jarmusch’s Acid Western “Dead Man”. But that was impossible because he was the DOP of this film, for which he conjured his special, firm and almost painterly, but also transparent and shimmering light onto the screen, as he did for around 70 other masterpieces of international auteur cinema.
Over decades the cinematographer kept a video diary which the filmmaker Claire Pijman already worked with for the great exhibition “Master of Light” at the Amsterdam EYE Film Museum and which she now uses as the central pool of images for her own film, “Living the Light”. Fellow cinematographer Agnès Godard says about a sequence between Dennis Hopper and Nicholas Ray from Wim Wenders’ “The American Friend” that mastership for her is achieved only when the grandeur of the cinematography makes itself vanish from a scene because it becomes its natural component. Strange that one always feels that one can almost hear Robby Müller’s images. In “Living the Light”, this impression is underlined by delicately improvised soundscapes by Jim Jarmusch and Carter Logan.
Ralph Eue
NL DE 2018 86 Min. OmU (Engl., Niederl., Franz. mit deutschen Untertiteln)
Regie : Claire Pijman
Kamera : Robby Muller, Claire Pijman
Schnitt: Katharina Wartena
Music: Squrl (Jim Jarmusch and Carter Logan)
offizielle Webseite (engl.) livingthelight.nl
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Living the Light – die Bilderwelten des Robby Müller / Trailer from Chromosom Film on Vimeo.