Klasse Deutsch

A film by Florian Heinzen-Ziob. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

GERMAN CLASS takes us back to school. Over the cour­se of six months the film clo­se­ly fol­lows class tea­cher Ute Vecchio as she pre­pa­res child­ren who have just arri­ved from other count­ries for the German school sys­tem. Small suc­ces­ses, lar­ge set-backs, school pranks and the loo­ming thre­at of depor­ta­ti­on – the chal­lenges the child­ren face are just as diver­se as the count­ries and cul­tures they ori­gi­na­te from.The ambi­tious Pranvera, who even beats the boys in arm wrest­les, has to suf­fer the depor­ta­ti­on of her best fri­end. Ferdi, who dreams of working as a car mecha­nic, only has four months left to catch up on four years’ worth of school­work. And class clown Kujtim has alre­a­dy mana­ged to learn four lan­guages in his eventful life­time, but can­not wri­te any of them.

GERMAN CLASS is a tou­ch­ing por­trait of lear­ning, adap­ting and gro­wing in a new lan­guage and in a new socie­ty. A fresh look at an insti­tu­ti­on that we think we all know well – school.



DE 2018, 89 Min., 
Regie & Schnitt: Florian Heinzen-Ziob
Kamera: Enno Endlicher


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Klasse Deutsch / TRAILER from Florian Heinzen-Ziob on Vimeo.