
A film by Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay. In German, Turkish an Romani with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In an argu­ment with his wife Burcu, Oray pro­no­un­ces the Islamic word for sepa­ra­ti­on, ‘talaq’. The Imam informs him of the con­se­quen­ces: Oray must now part from Burcu for three months. Oray uses the enforced break in their rela­ti­onship to make a fresh start and moves to Cologne. Here, he finds a job at a flea mar­ket and seeks out a new Muslim reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty, led by the young Imam Bilal. Soon, Oray beg­ins prea­ching hims­elf; he is espe­ci­al­ly popu­lar with the youn­ger mem­bers of the con­gre­ga­ti­on, and this makes Bilal jea­lous. When Burcu pays her hus­band a sur­pri­se visit, they rea­li­se that the break has done them good and they still love each other. Oray asks Bilal for advice. But the lat­ter advo­ca­tes a stric­ter inter­pre­ta­ti­on of Islamic law than the imam in Oray’s com­mu­ni­ty back home: pro­no­un­cing ‘talaq’ he says, does not mean a break, but a divorce. Director Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay employs a qua­si-docu­men­ta­ry style to tell the sto­ry of an indi­vi­du­al exhaus­ting hims­elf as he works his way through a religion’s com­plex belief sys­tem and his search for ful­film­ent as a human caught bet­ween his belief in love and his love for his faith.



DE 2018, dt.türk.,romani OmU, 100 Min.
Regie, Buch: Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay
Kamera: Christian Kochmann
Montage: Denys Darahan
Zejhun Demirov (Oray)
Deniz Orta (Burcu)
Cem Göktaş (Bilal)
Faris Yüzbaşıoğlu (Tanju)


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


ORAY – Trailer from Pluto Film on Vimeo.