Category Archives: archiv


A film by Wanuri Kanihu. In English and Swahili with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Good Kenyan girls beco­me good Kenyan wives,” but Kena and Ziki long for some­thing more. Despite the poli­ti­cal rival­ry bet­ween their fami­lies, the girls resist and remain clo­se fri­ends, sup­port­ing each other to pur­sue their dreams in a con­ser­va­ti­ve socie­ty. When love blos­soms bet­ween them, the two girls will be forced to choo­se bet­ween hap­pi­ness and safety.



Kenia 2018, 83 Min.,
Regie: Wanuri Kanihu
Kamera Christopher Wessels
Schnitt Isabelle Dedieu, Ronelle Loots
Darsteller: Samantha Mugatsia, Sheila Munyiva, Jimmi Gathu, Nini Wacera, Dennis Musyoka, Patricia Amira, Neville Misati u.v.m.


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Rafiki – Trailer für die offi­zi­el­le Website from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.


Das Mädchen, das lesen konnte

Ein Film von Marine Francen. Ab 10.1. im fsk.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Eine Utopie, und ein Film wie ein Gemälde : „You want to take cer­tain shots and hang them on the wall“ schreibt Screen Int.. Dass es auf dem fran­zö­si­schen Land um 1851 so sau­ber und schön nur sel­ten war, dürf­te klar sein, aber Das Mädchen, das Lesen konn­te ist auch kein zeit­ge­treu­er Historienfilm, son­dern eine Literaturverfilmung beson­de­rer Art.

Für ihren Debütfilm hat die Französin Marine Francen eine Vorlage gewählt, deren Ursprung etwas nebu­lös ist. Wahrscheinlich sind die Vorgänge auch nicht wirk­lich von einem rea­len Ereignis inspi­riert, aber vor­stell­bar wäre es schon. Wir bli­cken zurück ins Jahr 1851: Louis Napoléon will sich als Napoléon III zum Kaiser der Franzosen krö­nen las­sen, doch die Republikaner im Land kämp­fen gegen die­ses Geschichts-Rollback. Der Bürgerkrieg erreicht auch abge­le­ge­ne Landstriche. In ein auf­stän­di­sches Dorf in der Provence fal­len die umher­zie­hen Truppen Napoleons ein und ver­schlep­pen alle Männer. Die ver­las­se­nen und geschock­ten Frauen trau­ern, aber die Arbeit muss trotz­dem getan wer­den. Gemeinsam ler­nen sie alles, was sonst den Männern oblag, und auch wenn es zu Beginn oft schwer fällt, funk­tio­niert die Frauengemeinschaft auf Dauer sehr gut. Trotzdem ver­mis­sen sie ihre Gatten, Verlobte, Söhne und Freunde, zudem sind sie wie abge­schnit­ten vom Rest der Welt sind sie auch. Neben unbe­frie­dig­tem kör­per­li­chem Begehren stellt sich nach eini­ger Zeit auch die Frage, wie das Dorf in zukünf­tig wei­ter exis­tie­ren soll. Die jün­ge­ren schlie­ßen einen Pakt: soll­te doch eines Tages noch ein Mann vor­bei kom­men, gehört er allen. Und dann ver­schlägt es den Schmied Jean in die­ses Tal.

Der Film han­delt von Liebe, Solidarität und Selbstbewusstsein, von Verlangen und Einsamkeit, und auch von Neid, Eifersucht und Unsicherheit. Als nach Jahren eini­ge der ent­führ­ten Männer ins Dorf zurück­keh­ren, erscheint dies, trotz aller Freude und Erleichterung wie eine Vertreibung aus dem Paradies der Unabhängigkeit.

Wovon Violette Ailhaud (die offi­zi­el­le Autorin) erzählt, ist die Verteidigung der Freiheit in all ihren Erscheinungsformen. Dieses Thema kennt kei­ne Grenzen und kei­ne Epoche, und ich woll­te auch die­se Aktualität erfas­sen.” Marine Francen


Le Semeur
Frankreich 2017, 98 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Marine Francen
Buch: Jacques Fieschi, Marine Francen, Jacqueline Surchat, nach der Novelle von Violette Ailhaud
Kamera: Alain Duplantier
Schnitt: Minori Akimoto
Darsteller: Pauline Burlet, Géraldine Pailhas, Alban Lenoir, Iliana Zabeth, Francoise Lebrun, Barbara Probst


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Die Geheimnisse des Schönen Leo

A film by Benedikt Schwarzer.In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Leo Wagner was a Member of Parliament for the Conservatives (CSU), a clo­se con­fidan­te of Franz Josef Strauß and a dazz­ling figu­re in Cologne’s night­li­fe. He left his fami­ly behind with many ques­ti­ons and open wounds.

His grand­son, the film direc­tor Benedikt Schwarzer, embarks on the search for a grand­fa­ther who he never real­ly got to know. He finds con­tem­po­ra­ry wit­nesses, pimps and lovers, even Leo‘s com­man­ding offi­cer in the Stasi. His par­ty fri­ends from the time remain curious­ly silent.

The attrac­ti­ve appearance of Leo’s text­book care­er and pic­tu­re-book fami­ly in the elec­tion bro­chu­res is decep­ti­ve. His mar­ria­ge was rui­ned. He beca­me invol­ved in dubio­us busi­ness. And evi­dence is being con­firm­ed that Leo Wagner was the cru­cial trai­tor who led to the fail­ure of the CDU / CSU’s vote of no con­fi­dence against Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt in 1972 – cele­bra­ted by the Stasi.

His life still casts a shadow over his fami­ly. It has taken a long time for his daugh­ter to be able to speak about the past. The can­dy-colou­red Super‑8 films of the 1960s and 1970s are view­ed in a com­ple­te­ly new light.

Benedikt Schwarzer‘s rese­arch into Leo Wagner opens up an unem­bel­lished view oflook at the con­tra­dic­tions of his gene­ra­ti­on and the sor­did under­bel­ly of the Bonn Republic.



Deutschland 2018, 80 Minuten
Regie & Buch: Benedikt Schwarzer
Kamera: Julian Krubasik
Schnitt: Natascha Cartolaro


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Die Geheimnisse des Schönen Leo – Offizieller Trailer

Capernaum – Stadt der Hoffnung

A film by Nadine Labaki. In Arabic with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

I want to sue my par­ents. Because they gave birth to me”. Twelve-year-old Zain tends to tell it like it is. Instead of going to school like other child­ren in Beirut, he is alre­a­dy forced to earn money in order to pro­vi­de on a dai­ly basis. When his par­ents sell his youn­ger sis­ter Sahar to their land­lord, Zain has final­ly had enough and deci­des to run away from home. In an amu­se­ment park he meets Rahil, ille­gal clea­ner from Ethiopia. Zain offers to baby­sit her one-year-old son, whom she has to hide from the aut­ho­ri­ties. A few weeks and many unfor­gettable expe­ri­en­ces later, Zain deci­des to sue his par­ents in court… The film title CAPHARNAÜM deno­tes a place full of cha­os and mad­ness. This is exact­ly whe­re Lebanese direc­tor Nadine Labaki sets and skilful­ly unra­vels her high­ly emo­tio­nal fable about life in poverty.


Cafarnaúm (كفرناحوم)
Libanon 2018, arab. OmU, 126 Min.
Regie: Nadine Labaki
Kamera: Christopher Aoun
Schnitt: Konstantin Bock
Buch: Nadine Labaki, Jihad Hojeily, Michelle Kesrouani, Georges Khabbaz, Khaled Mouzanar
mit: Zain Al Rafeea, Yordanos Shiferaw, Boluwatife Treasure Bankole, Kawthar Al Haddad, Fadi Kamel Youssef, Cedra Izam



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Cold War

A film by Paweł Pawlikowski. In Polish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Poland, the 1950s. Educated pro­fes­sio­nal Wiktor and working-class Zula meet due to the music group Mazurek. They begin a pas­sio­na­te love sto­ry that starts off in com­mu­nist Poland, moves to the West, and goes back to Poland again.

Poland, the 1950s. Educated pro­fes­sio­nal Wiktor and working-class Zula meet due to the music group Mazurek. They begin a pas­sio­na­te love sto­ry that starts off in com­mu­nist Poland, moves to the West, and goes back to Poland again.


Zimna woj­na
Polen/Frankreich/Großbritannien 2018, 84 Min., poln. OmU
Regie: Pawel Pawlikowski
Drehbuch: Pawel Pawlikowski, Janusz Glowacki
Kamera: Lukasz Zal
Schnitt: Jaroslaw Kaminski
mit: Joanna Kulig, Tomasz Kot, Borys Szyc, Cédric Kahn, Agata Kulesza



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Drei Gesichter

A film by Jafar Panahi.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Well-known actress Behnaz Jafari is dis­traught by a pro­vin­cial girl’s video plea for help – oppres­sed by her fami­ly to not pur­sue her stu­dies at the Tehran dra­ma con­ser­va­to­ry. Behnaz aban­dons her shoot and turns to film­ma­ker Jafar Panahi to help sol­ve the mys­tery of the young girl’s trou­bles. They tra­vel by car to the rural nor­thwest whe­re they have amusing encoun­ters with the char­ming folk of the girl’s moun­tain vil­la­ge. But the city visi­tors soon dis­co­ver that the pro­tec­tion of age-old tra­di­ti­ons is as gene­rous as local hospitality…



OT: Se rokh – سه رخ
Iran 2018, far­si OmU, 100 Min.,
Regie: Jafar Panahi
Buch: Jafar Panahi, Nader Saeivar
Kamera: Amin Jafari
Schnitt: Mastaneh Mohajer, Panah Panahi
Darsteller: Behnaz Jafari, Jafar Panahi, Marziyeh Rezaei, Maedeh Erteghaei, Narges Del Aram


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THREE FACESTROIS VISAGES (Official Trailer Fahrsi, Turkish/deutsch, français)


A film by Hirokazu Kore-eda. In Japanese with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

After one of their shop­lif­ting ses­si­ons, Osamu and his son come across a litt­le girl in the free­zing cold. At first reluc­tant to shel­ter the girl, Osamu’s wife agrees to take care of her after lear­ning of the hard­ships she faces. Although the fami­ly is poor, bare­ly making enough money to sur­vi­ve through pet­ty crime, they seem to live hap­pi­ly tog­e­ther until an unfo­re­seen inci­dent reve­als hid­den secrets, test­ing the bonds that unite them…


Manbiki kazo­ku
Japan 2018, 121 Min., jap. OmU
Regie & Schnitt: Hirokazu Kore-eda 
Kamera: Kondo Ryuto
mit: Lily Franky, Sakura Ando, Mayu Matsuoka, Kilin Kiki, Kairi Jyo

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Gegen den Strom

A film by Benedikt Erlingsson. In Islandic with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Benedikt Erlingsson has set his poli­ti­cal­ly sharp-ton­gued come­dy against the breath-taking back­drop of the Icelandic landscape.
Halla is 50 and an inde­pen­dent woman. But the faca­de of her seda­te rou­ti­ne hides a second life as a pas­sio­na­te envi­ron­men­tal cam­pai­gner. Known as „The Woman of the Mountain”, she con­ducts a secret one-woman war against the local alu­mi­ni­um indus­try. With methods ran­ging from van­da­lism to indus­tri­al sabo­ta­ge, she mana­ges to stop nego­tia­ti­ons bet­ween the Icelandic govern­ment and an inter­na­tio­nal inves­tor. And, when her appli­ca­ti­on to adopt a child is final­ly accept­ed, she plans her last, most dar­ing operation.



Kona fer í stríð, FR/IS/UA 2018, 100 Min., isländ. OmU
Regie: Benedikt Erlingsson
Kamera: Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson
Schnitt: Davíð Alexsander Corno
mit: Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, Jóhann Sigurðarson, Davíð Þór Jónsson


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WOMAN AT WAR (Official Trailer, OV/d,f)


A film by Steve McQueen. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Set in con­tem­po­ra­ry Chicago, amidst a time of turm­oil, four women with not­hing in com­mon except a debt left behind by their dead hus­bands‘ cri­mi­nal acti­vi­ties, take fate into their own hands, and con­spi­re to for­ge a future on their own terms.


GB/US 2018, 130 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Steve McQueen
Kamera: Sean Bobbitt
Schnitt: Joe Walker
mit: Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, Cynthia Erivo, , Colin Farrell, Brian Tyree Henry, Daniel Kaluuya, Jacki Weaver, Carrie Coon, Robert Duvall, Liam Neeson



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An Elephant Sitting Still

A film by Hu Bo. In Mandarin with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In the nor­t­hern Chinese city of Manzhouli, they say the­re is an ele­phant that sim­ply sits and igno­res the world. Manzhouli beco­mes an obses­si­on for the prot­ago­nists of this film, a lon­ged-for escape from the down­ward spi­ral in which they find them­sel­ves. Among them is school­boy Bu, on the run after pushing Shuai down the stairs, who was bul­ly­ing him pre­vious­ly. Bu’s class­ma­te Ling has run away from her mother and fal­len for the charms of her tea­cher. Shuai’s older brot­her Cheng feels respon­si­ble for the sui­ci­de of a fri­end. And final­ly, along with many other cha­rac­ters who­se fates are inex­tri­ca­bly bound tog­e­ther, there’s Mr. Wang, a spright­ly pen­sio­ner who­se son wants to off­load him onto a home. In vir­tuo­so visu­al com­po­si­ti­ons, the film tells the sto­ry of one sin­gle sus­pen­seful day from dawn to dusk, when the train to Manzhouli is set to depart.
This elec­tri­fy­ing direc­to­ri­al debut from Hu Bo, who­se novels alre­a­dy cau­sed a sen­sa­ti­on in China, is a four-hour por­trait of a socie­ty of ego­ists. Tragically, it will also be the final chap­ter in his lega­cy. On October 12, 2017, the artist took his own life at age 29.

Volksrepublik China 2018, Mandarin OmU, 230 Min.,
Regie, Buch: Hu Bo
Kamera: Fan Chao
Schnitt: Hu Bo
mit: Zhang Yu
Peng Yuchang
Wang Yuwen
Liu Congxi


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