Category Archives: archiv

19. Französische Filmwoche Berlin

Wir freu­en uns sehr, die­ses Jahr Partnerkino der fran­zö­si­schen Filmwoche Berlin zu sein.

In unse­rem aus­ge­such­tem Programm fin­den sich bekann­te Namen wie Agnes Vardas, deren letz­ten Film und Berlinale-Beitrag VARDA PAR AGNÈS wir zei­gen (Sa., 20:00), oder der Eröffnungsfilm von Venedig von Cannes-Gewinner Kore-Eda, LA VÉRITÉ, der erst­mals außer­halb Japans dreh­te, dafür mit Catherine Deneuve und Juliette Binoche (Di., 3.12., 20:00 Uhr). Auch Catherine Corsini ist kei­ne Unbekannte, dies­mal setzt sie mit UN AMOUR IMPOSSIBLE (So., 1.12., 20:15) einen Bestseller in Szene. Ihre Hauptdarstellerin Virginie Efira hat bei uns am Sonntag ein Doppel: in SIBYL, Justine Triets Wettbewerbsbeitrag von Cannes, spielt sie eine Autorin und Psychotherapeutin.

Besuch bekom­men wir von zwei recht neu­en Gesichtern in der Filmwelt: Claire Burger (Party Girl) stellt C’EST ÇA L’AMOUR, eine Scheidungsgeschichte mit Bouli Lanners vor (29.12., 20:00), und Stéphane Batut sei­ne Geist-Geschichte VIF-ARGENT / DER FLÜSSIGE SPIEGEL, der in Cannes in der span­nen­den Nebenreihe ACID sei­ne Premiere hat­te (2.12. 20:00)

Eröffnet wird „unse­re“ Filmwoche mit dem Dokumentarfilm über Leidenschaft für Klänge und Geräusche, L’ESPRIT DES LIEUX (28.12., 20:00), abschlie­ßen wer­den wir mit dem neus­ten Film der mit ihren Filmen bei uns gern gese­he­nen Mia Hansen-Løve (Un amour de jeu­nesse, L’avenir), MAYA, der einem Fotoreporter, der gera­de aus Geiselhaft befreit wur­de, nach Goa folgt (4.12. 20:00). Alle Filme lau­fen in der franz. Originalfassung mit deut­schen oder eng­li­chen Untertiteln.

Einige Werke haben 2020 regu­lä­re Starts, u.a. VARDA PAR AGNÈS, LA VÉRITÉ, VIF-ARGENT, SIBYL, und auch der Eröffnungsfilm LES MISERABLES (unter dem dt.Titel DIE WÜTENDEN) wird bei uns im Januar zu sehen sein.

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Alles was Du willst

A film by Francesco Bruni. In Itlaian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

A young man named Alessandro begrud­gin­gly accepts a job as a com­pa­n­ion for Giorgio, an elder­ly poet with Alzheimer’s. As they ban­ter during their dai­ly walks, they slow­ly pie­ce tog­e­ther Giorgio’s long-buried memo­ries, reve­al­ing clues to a hid­den treasure.



Tutto quello che vuoi
Italien 2017, 106 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Francesco Bruni
Kamera: Arnaldo Catinari
Schnitt: Cecilia Zanuso 
mit: Andrea Carpenzano, Giuliano Montaldo, Donatella Finocchiaro


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Trailer „Alles was du willst”


A film by Markus Schleinzer.  In French and German with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In the ear­ly 18th cen­tu­ry, a group of young slaves is brought to Europe. Among them is a 10-year-old boy whom a mar­chio­ness sel­ects to be an object of stu­dy. Given the name Angelo, he recei­ves a com­pre­hen­si­ve edu­ca­ti­on in lan­guages and music and is pas­sed around from Messina to Vienna as an exo­tic but Europeanized valet. Only Magdalena regards him as more than a deco­ra­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on pie­ce. Following his high­ly acclai­med fea­ture-film debut MICHAEL (2011), Austrian direc­tor Markus Schleinzer traces the true sto­ry of Angelo Soliman in well-com­po­sed tableaux vivants. This peri­od film was shot in the clas­sic 4:3 aspect ratio, cor­re­spon­ding to Angelo’s nar­ro­wed per­spec­ti­ve of being put on dis­play. The results are powerful imagery and an evo­ca­ti­ve film that exami­nes the exces­ses of colo­nia­lism both in their his­to­ri­cal con­text and in the pre­sent day.



AT/LU 2018, 111 Min., fran­zö­sisch-deut­sche OmU-Fassung
Regie: Markus Schleinzer
Kamera: Gerald Kerkletz
Schnitt: Pia Dumont
mit: Makita Samba, Alba Rohrwacher, Larisa Faber, Kenny Nzogang, Lukas Miko


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Was gewesen wäre

A film by Florian Koerner von Gustorf. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Paul and Astrid want to spend a roman­tic weekend in Hungary, but when Astrid reco­gni­zes one of the other hotel guests as her child­hood swee­the­art, the couple‘s trip turns into a trip to the past.


DE 2019, 90 Min.,
Regie: Florian Koerner von Gustorf
Kamera: Reinhold Vorschneider
Schnitt: Mona Bräuer
mit: Christiane Paul, Ronald Zehrfeld, Sebastian Hülk


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Marriage Story

A film by Noah Baumbach. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

 Charlie (Adam Driver) is a play­w­right who wants to stay in New York. Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) is an actress who has been given a desi­ra­ble tele­vi­si­on role and has the­r­e­fo­re moved to Los Angeles. The distance bet­ween the two is tearing their alre­a­dy ten­se rela­ti­onship apart. The film goes back and forth through time, show­ing how Charlie and Nicole fell in love and built a life tog­e­ther along­side a chro­nic­le of their marital dismantling.


USA 2019, 134 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Noah Baumbach
Musik: Randy Newman
Kamera: Robbie Ryan
Schnitt: Jennifer Lame
mit: Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver, Laura Dern, Alan Alda, Ray Liotta, Julie Hagerty


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Bis dann, mein Sohn

A film by Wang Xiaoshuai. In Chinese (Mandarin) with German subititles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

We’re wai­ting to grow old’. This sen­tence brief­ly sums up Yaoyun and his wife Liyun’s bit­ter rea­li­sa­ti­on about their lives. They were once a hap­py fami­ly – until their son drow­ned play­ing by a reser­voir. And so Yaojun and Liyun lea­ve their home and plun­ge into the big city, alt­hough nobo­dy knows them the­re and they can­not even under­stand the local dialect. Their adopted son Liu Xing does not offer them the com­fort they had hoped for eit­her. Defiantly rejec­ting his ‘for­eign’ par­ents, he one day dis­ap­pears altog­e­ther. The mar­ried cou­ple are repea­ted­ly enmes­hed in their memo­ries. Finally, they deci­de to return to the site of their lost hopes.
In this fami­ly saga span­ning three deca­des of Chinese histo­ry, the pri­va­te and the poli­ti­cal mer­ge and the indi­vi­du­al gets caught up in the gears of a socie­ty in the throes of con­stant chan­ge. Part melo­dra­ma, part cri­tique of the times, this film takes us from the country’s uphe­aval in the 1980s fol­lo­wing the Cultural Revolution to the pro­spe­ring tur­bo-capi­ta­lism of the pre­sent day. Told in swee­ping tableaux, it makes visi­ble the deep scars that lie beneath the sur­face of an osten­si­bly unbro­ken suc­cess story.


Di jiu tian chang
China 2019, 185 Min., chin. OmU
Regie: Wang Xiaoshuai
Kamera: Kim Hyun-seok
Schnitt: Lee Chatametikool
mit: Wang Jingchun, Yong Mei, Qi Xi, Wang Juan, Du Jiang


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BIS DANN, MEIN SOHN – offi­zi­el­ler OmU-Trailer – Kinostart 14.11.2019


Midnight Traveler

When the Taliban puts a boun­ty on Afghan direc­tor Hassan Fazili’s head, he is forced to flee the coun­try with his wife and two young daugh­ters. Capturing the family’s jour­ney first­hand, Fazili docu­ments their har­ro­wing trek across num­e­rous bor­ders reve­al­ing the dan­ger and uncer­tain­ty facing refu­gees see­king asyl­um jux­ta­po­sed with the unbre­aka­ble love shared among­st the fami­ly on the run.

There are many films about the cur­rent refu­gee cri­sis but I’ve not seen a docu­men­ta­ry quite as inti­ma­te as this one… Fazili and his wife are both film­ma­kers, so they have film­ma­kers’ eyes. They catch moments of true cine­ma­tic beau­ty, but the­se moments stand out as grace notes to an other­wi­se harsh existence.”
Elijah Davidson, Docs/Ology

A valuable, first-hand refu­gees’ sto­ry… Full of social and poli­ti­cal urgen­cy… A family’s joint tes­tim­o­ny, heart­felt and heart­brea­king, par­ti­cu­lar yet haun­tingly representative.”
Caryn James, The Hollywood Reporter

The Kindness of Strangers

A film by Lone Scherfig.In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Clara arri­ves in win­try New York with her two sons on the back seat of her car. The jour­ney, which she has dis­gu­i­sed as an adven­ture for her children’s sake, is soon reve­a­led to be an escape from an abu­si­ve hus­band and father. He is a cop, and Clara is despera­te­ly try­ing to elude his attempts to pur­sue her. The three have litt­le more than their car, and when this is towed away, they are left pen­ni­less on the street. But the big cold city shows mer­cy: in their search for refu­ge, the fami­ly meets a sel­fless nur­se named Alice who arran­ges beds for them at an emer­gen­cy shel­ter. While ste­al­ing food at a Russian restau­rant cal­led ‘Winter Palace’, Clara meets an ex-con, Marc, who has been given the chan­ce to help the old eatery regain its for­mer glo­ry. The ‘Winter Palace’ soon beco­mes a place of unex­pec­ted encoun­ters bet­ween peo­p­le who are all under­go­ing some sort of cri­sis and whom fate has now brought tog­e­ther. With a keen eye for cha­rac­ter, Lone Scherfig explo­res human beha­viour in extre­me con­di­ti­ons. She depicts the harsh­ness of life in the urban jungle, but she also demons­tra­tes what can grow when stran­gers approach each other in fri­end­ship and with an open heart.


DK/CA/SE/DE/FR 2019, 112 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Lone Scherfig
Kamera: Sebastian Blenkov
Schnitt: Cam McLauchlin
mit: Zoe Kazan, Andrea Riseborough, Tahar Rahim, Caleb Landry Jones, Jay Baruchel, Bill Nighy


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Mein Ende. Dein Anfang.

A film by Mariko Minoguchi. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

For Nora and Aron it is love at first sight when they encoun­ter each other on a rai­ny day whilst taking the under­ground. It was a com­ple­te coin­ci­dence, Nora says. Aron dis­agrees: it was pre­de­ter­mi­ned. But the young cou­ple then get caught up in a vio­lent bank rob­be­ry. Aron is shot by the mas­ked gun­man and dies in Nora’s arms. For Nora, time stands still. She numbs her pain, spen­ding the night with a stran­ger – Natan. He pro­vi­des Nora with sta­bi­li­ty. She has the stran­ge fee­ling that she knows him alre­a­dy, but does not yet know what real­ly con­nects them…


DE 2019, 111 Min., OmeU
Regie: Mariko Minoguchi
Kamera: Julian Krubasik
Schnitt: Andreas Menn,
mit: Saskia Rosendahl, Julius Feldmeier, Edin Hasanovic, Jeanette Hain, Lilly Forgach


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MEIN ENDE. DEIN ANFANG. | Trailer | deutsch/german


Eine eiserne Kassette

Ein Film von Nils Olger. .

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Von sei­ner Großmutter erhält Nils Olger nach dem Tod des Großvaters eine Kassette. In ihr lie­gen Rollen mit Fotonegativen. »Da hast du nun alle unse­re Geheimnisse«, sagt sie. Die Bilder las­sen ahnen, wor­an der Großvater als SS-Angehöriger im zwei­ten Weltkrieg betei­ligt war. Olger folgt der Spur der Negative und begibt sich an ihre Entstehungsorte. Nach Österreich, Ungarn und Italien. Es ist der Versuch des Nachgeborenen, sei­ne Erinnerungen an den Großvater um die von ihm ver­schwie­ge­nen Elemente zu ergän­zen und mit­hil­fe der Negative ein voll­stän­di­ge­res Bild ent­ste­hen zu lassen.


AU/DE 2018, 102 Min., Deutsch, Italienisch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch OmU
Regie: Nils Olger
Drehbuch: Nils Olger
Kamera: Nils Olger, Juri Schaden, Thomas Marschall
Schnitt: Nils Olger



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Eine eiser­ne Kassette – offi­zi­el­ler Trailer from bit­ters­weet GmbH on Vimeo.