Corpus Christi

A film by Jan Komasa. On September 12th & 13th at the fsk. In Polish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A young pet­ty cri­mi­nal gets a small com­mu­ni­ty back on track after pas­sing hims­elf off as a vicar. A Polish dra­ma based on real events. 20-year old Daniel has screwed up a lot in his young life. Then one day he has a spi­ri­tu­al epi­pha­ny in the young offen­ders‘ insti­tu­ti­on. From now on, he wants to fol­low the path of good­ness and beco­me a priest – an impos­si­ble dream, given his cri­mi­nal record. After his release, he is sent to a small town whe­re he has a chan­ce to earn an honest living. He takes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­gu­i­se and pre­sent hims­elf as the new vicar. And, stran­ge­ly enough, after the arri­val of the cha­ris­ma­tic priest, things in the vil­la­ge begin to chan­ge for the positive.


PL 2019, Regie: Jan Komasa, 115 min, OmU
Buh: Mateusz Pacewicz, Kamera: Piotr Sobociński jr., Schnitt: Przemysław Chruścielewski,
mit: Bartosz Bielenia, Aleksandra Konieczna, Eliza Rycembel, Tomasz Ziętek u.a.


Corpus Christi | Offizieller deut­scher Trailer