The Souvenir – Part I

A film by Joanna Hogg. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

England; the ear­ly 1980s. Young film stu­dent Julie wants to use her came­ra to bet­ter under­stand the world. This shy woman is well awa­re of her pri­vi­le­ged social posi­ti­on and, as she explains, sees her Super 8 came­ra as a way to break out of her own litt­le bubble. She thinks she is medio­cre, but the pho­tos and moving images that flow into the film bear wit­ness to her spe­cial gaze. In an unas­sum­ing, almost docu­men­ta­ry approach, we are intro­du­ced to Julie’s stu­dent milieu, into which Anthony unex­pec­ted­ly enters. He is older and more distin­gu­is­hed. He har­bours a secret that Julie only unco­vers later, but that then dra­ma­ti­cal­ly chan­ges everything.
Joanna Hogg’s semi-auto­bio­gra­phi­cal film is both a per­so­nal take on the crea­ti­ve out­put of upper-midd­le-class Britain and an incisi­ve explo­ra­ti­on of spaces, land­scapes, depen­dent rela­ti­onships and, not least, the medi­um of film. Hogg’s con­tem­po­ra­ry, Tilda Swinton, plays Julie’s gene­rous mother; her daugh­ter, Honor Swinton Byrne, embo­dies the role of the prot­ago­nist, who seems to be losing her grip on life. Until, that is, film comes to the res­cue, as a means of expres­si­on, rea­li­ty, the­ra­py and a record of the times.


GB 2019, 115 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Joanna Hogg
Kamera: David Raedeker
Schnitt: Helle le Fevre
mit: Honor Swinton Byrne, Tom Burke, Tilda Swinton


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