Author Archives: fsk


A film by Lukas Dhont. In French and Flemish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

While Lara alre­a­dy iden­ti­fies as a girl, her world is under­go­ing signi­fi­cant and much desi­red trans­for­ma­ti­on. She has just moved with her father and bel­oved kid brot­her to a new city whe­re she has been pro­vi­sio­nal­ly accept­ed into a pres­ti­gious dance school and she will soon be old enough to start hor­mo­ne repla­ce­ment the­ra­py. Lara’s aspi­ra­ti­on to femin­in­i­ty is so gre­at that she has cho­sen the most extre­me phy­si­cal form of its expres­si­on. But here, dance is not a release. Held cap­ti­ve by her body, she tapes her geni­tals and hides the bloo­di­ed feet which have not grown up en poin­te like the other girls. While her father offers her not­hing but sup­port, she is all teenage uncer­tain­ty and impa­ti­ence and her inte­ri­or world moves clo­ser to self-des­truc­tion even as her outer beau­ty blooms.

Belgien 2018, 105 Min., flä­misch, fran­zö­si­sche OmU
Regie: Lukas Dhont
Kamera: Frank van den Eeden
Schnitt: Alain Dessauvage
Victor Polster, Arieh Worthalter, Katelijne Damen


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Utøya 22. Juli

A film by Erik Poppe. In Norwegian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

On 22 July 2011 five hundred young peo­p­le atten­ding a sum­mer camp on the island of Utøya were atta­cked by a hea­vi­ly armed right-wing extre­mist. The mur­de­rous attack clai­med the lives of 69 vic­tims. It was a trau­ma that rocked Norway to the core, and still does to this day. Director Erik Poppe has dared to attempt to turn the events of that sum­mer into a film. His dra­ma opens with docu­men­ta­ry foo­ta­ge of Oslo whe­re, short­ly before­hand, the same atta­cker had explo­ded a car bomb kil­ling eight peo­p­le; the sce­ne then shifts to the island. The came­ra fol­lows 19-year-old Kaja who is spen­ding a few days of the holi­day here with her young sis­ter Emilie. The two are quar­rel­ling becau­se Emilie is in no mood for the camp and has abso­lut­e­ly no desi­re to go to the bar­be­cue. And so Kaja ends up going alo­ne. Suddenly, the first gunshot is heard.
This first shot marks the begin­ning of a breathl­ess 72-minu­te-long recon­s­truc­tion of events, film­ed in a sin­gle take, as seen through the eyes of the vic­tims. Kaja’s despe­ra­te search for Emilie. The fear in the eyes of the young peo­p­le. Their escape into the forest. Their despe­ra­te hope of res­cue. And the unknown ass­as­sin, get­ting clo­ser and closer.


U – July 22
Norwegen 2018, norw. OmU, 90 Min.
Regie: Erik Poppe
Kamera: Martin Otterbeck
Schnitt: Einar Egeland

mit: Andrea Berntzen
Aleksander Holmen
Brede Fristad
Elli Rhiannon Müller Osbourne 


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Utøya 22. Juli | Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD | Jetzt im Kino

A Woman captured – Eine gefangene Frau

A film by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter. In Hungarian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Marish lives in the house­hold of a wealt­hy Hungarian fami­ly as a modern slave. The yoke that she has alre­a­dy been car­ry­ing for more than ten years has aged her fast. Is the­re a way out? An eye-ope­ning film about “white slavery” – in the midd­le of Europe.

HU 2017, 89 Min., ungar. OmU,
Regie, Buch, Kamera, Schnitt: Bernadett Tuza-Ritter


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Leave no Trace

A film by Debra Granik. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Will (Ben Foster) and his teenage daugh­ter, Tom (Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie), have lived off the grid for years in the forests of Portland, Oregon. When their idyl­lic life is shat­te­red, both are put into social ser­vices. After clas­hing with their new sur­roun­dings, Will and Tom set off on a har­ro­wing jour­ney back to their wild homeland.

The film is direc­ted by Debra Granik from a script adapt­ed by Granik and Anne Rosellini and based on the novel My Abandonment by Peter Rock.

US 2018, 109 Min., engl. OmU, 
Regie: Debra Granik
Kamera: Michael McDonough
Schnitt: Jane Rizzo
mit: Thomasin McKenzie, Ben Foster, Jeff Kober, Dale Dickey


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Waldheims Walzer

A film by Ruth Beckermann. In German

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

A lot of time has pas­sed sin­ce the scan­dal sur­roun­ding the Nazi past of for­mer UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim made head­lines world­wi­de, not least becau­se he denied it. It all star­ted during the 1986 Austrian pre­si­den­ti­al cam­paign, when Waldheim was sup­po­sed to gain vic­to­ry and thus reach the pin­na­cle of his sto­ry­book post-war poli­ti­cal care­er. Based on smart­ly cho­sen inter­na­tio­nal TV archi­ve mate­ri­al, this docu­men­ta­ry essay recon­s­tructs how this hea­ted deba­te pro­gres­sed, all the way up to the second round of voting in June 1986. The posi­ti­ons of the various stake­hol­ders – excerp­ts from the press con­fe­ren­ces of the World Jewish Congress, deba­tes in the UN General Assembly, hea­rings in the US Congress as well as state­ments by the Austrian People’s Party and its can­di­da­te – are joi­n­ed by Ruth Beckermann’s sub­jec­ti­ve, ana­ly­ti­cal com­men­ta­ry in voice­over. She’s also the­re in the video foo­ta­ge she shot hers­elf, docu­ments of an oppo­si­tio­nal move­ment that show anti-Waldheim events and ver­bal dis­pu­tes with res­entful and anti-Semitic passers­by. Rabble-rou­sing, slan­der, media-bas­hing, and deny­ing facts – they all bro­ke new ground here. Yes, a lot of time has pas­sed, but it’s not over yet. (Berlinalestext)

Österreich 2018, Deutsch, Englisch, Französische OmU
93 Min.
Regie, Buch: Ruth Beckermann
Schnitt: Dieter Pichler

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Waldheims Walzer Trailer


A fim by Léa Mysius. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Ava, 13, is spen­ding the sum­mer on the Atlantic coast when she lear­ns that she will lose her sight soo­ner than expec­ted. Her mother deci­des to act as if ever­y­thing were nor­mal so as to spend their best sum­mer ever. Ava con­fronts the pro­blem in her own way. She ste­als a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run…

Frankreich 2017, 105 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Léa Mysius
Kamera: Paul Guilhaume
Schnitt: Pierre Deschamps
mit: Noée Abita, Juan Cano, Laure Calamy


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Alles ist gut

A film by Eva Trobisch.  In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

If you don’t turn things into a pro­blem, you don’t have a pro­blem. This is Janne’s atti­tu­de about the fact that her new boss’s brot­her-in-law slept with her against her will. She con­ce­als the inci­dent and con­ti­nues her way of life as usu­al. But her silence has con­se­quen­ces, not only for the love that she feels for her fri­end Piet.


Deutschland  2018, 93 Min.
Regie: Eva Trobisch 

Kamera: Julian Krubasik 
Schnitt: Kai Minierski 
Aenne Schwarz , Andreas Döhler , Hans Löw , Tilo Nest , Lisa Hagmeister , Lina Wendel


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Offenes Geheimnis

A film by Asghar Farhadi. In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Laura has tra­vel­led to her Spanish home vil­la­ge for a wed­ding with her daugh­ter Irene. Irene is kid­nap­ped during the wed­ding and the pre­pe­tra­tors appear to be con­nec­ted to the family…

Laura has tra­vel­led to her Spanish home vil­la­ge for a wed­ding with her daugh­ter Irene. Irene is kid­nap­ped during the wed­ding and the pre­pe­tra­tors appear to be con­nec­ted to the family…


Hendrike Bake |

Todos lo saben
Spanien/Frankreich/Italien 2018, 132 Min., span., engl. OmU
Regie: Asghar Farhadi
Drehbuch: Asghar Farhadi
Kamera: José Luis Alcaine
Schnitt: Hayedeh Safiyari
Darsteller: Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Ricardo Darín, Barbara Lennie


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Utøya 22. Juli

A film by Erik Poppe. Starts September 20th at the fsk.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

On 22 July 2011 five hundred young peo­p­le atten­ding a sum­mer camp on the island of Utøya were atta­cked by a hea­vi­ly armed right-wing extre­mist. The mur­de­rous attack clai­med the lives of 69 vic­tims. It was a trau­ma that rocked Norway to the core, and still does to this day. Director Erik Poppe has dared to attempt to turn the events of that sum­mer into a film. His dra­ma opens with docu­men­ta­ry foo­ta­ge of Oslo whe­re, short­ly before­hand, the same atta­cker had explo­ded a car bomb kil­ling eight peo­p­le; the sce­ne then shifts to the island. The came­ra fol­lows 19-year-old Kaja who is spen­ding a few days of the holi­day here with her young sis­ter Emilie. The two are quar­rel­ling becau­se Emilie is in no mood for the camp and has abso­lut­e­ly no desi­re to go to the bar­be­cue. And so Kaja ends up going alo­ne. Suddenly, the first gunshot is heard.
This first shot marks the begin­ning of a breathl­ess 72-minu­te-long recon­s­truc­tion of events, film­ed in a sin­gle take, as seen through the eyes of the vic­tims. Kaja’s despe­ra­te search for Emilie. The fear in the eyes of the young peo­p­le. Their escape into the forest. Their despe­ra­te hope of res­cue. And the unknown ass­as­sin, get­ting clo­ser and closer.


U – July 22
Norwegen 2018, norw. OmU, 90 Min.
Regie: Erik Poppe
Kamera: Martin Otterbeck
Schnitt: Einar Egeland

mit: Andrea Berntzen
Aleksander Holmen
Brede Fristad
Elli Rhiannon Müller Osbourne 


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Utøya 22. Juli | Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD | Jetzt im Kino


After Koepp‘s LANDSTÜCK (2016) about his return to Uckermark, SEESTÜCK fol­lows the film­ma­ker to the Baltic Sea and por­trays the coas­tal resi­dents on the Baltic and Scandinavian shore.

After Koepp‘s LANDSTÜCK (2016) about his return to Uckermark, SEESTÜCK fol­lows the film­ma­ker to the Baltic Sea and por­trays the coas­tal resi­dents on the Baltic and Scandinavian shore. (

D 2018, 135 Min.

Regie: Volker Koepp
Kamera: Uwe Mann
Montage: Christoph Krüger


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Seestück Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]