Auf der Jagd

A film by Alice Agneskirchner. In german.

Where do we as humans find our­sel­ves on the sca­le: are we nature’s – our world’s – pro­tec­tors or its des­troy­ers? In expan­si­ve film thea­ter images we will enter the wild ani­mals’ cos­mos– not in Africa, but here at home. In one of the most beau­tiful land­scapes in Europe – in the German, Austrian, French and Swiss alps – we will pose this ques­ti­on to huma­ni­ty on the basis of the con­di­ti­on of the forests, their owners, the wild ani­mals, their hun­ters and the far­mers in the cycle of the seasons.

The ques­ti­on “Who Owns Nature?” imme­dia­te­ly leads to the next ques­ti­on: what is natu­re? Almost all of us live in cities. What most of us under­stand to be natu­re is: the plants, the city park or what we see when we tra­vel with a train or car from one city to the next. But is the green mea­dow natu­re? Is the forest, which flies by us one tree trunk at a time, natural?
So who do the deer, stags, cha­mois, wild boars, hares, foxes, lyn­xes, bears or wol­ves belong to? They have no owners. They belong to them­sel­ves; they are a part of natu­re. However, to be pre­cise, natu­re no lon­ger exists in Europe. There are “green” sur­faces that are used and plan­ted agri­cul­tu­ral­ly. The wild ani­mals share their habi­tats with us. Who deter­mi­nes how we live with them?

In opti­cal­ly lavish images, the film takes us into the uni­que world of the wild ani­mals, archaic land­scapes, sea­sons – and the hun­ters. In the heart of our wes­tern civi­liza­ti­on, we enter a world that doesn’t seem to fit to our con­tem­po­ra­ry age. Mountain goats, bel­lo­wing stags, a pack of wol­ves, forest ran­gers, far­mers, wild­life bio­lo­gists, hun­ting oppon­ents and hun­ters: they are all prot­ago­nists in a dra­ma­tic alpi­ne play.


Deutschland 2018, 96 Min.
Buch und Regie: Alice Agneskirchner
Kamera: Johannes Imdahl, Owen Prümm
Montage: André Hammesfahr
Kommentar: Patrick Winczewski
Musik: Gert Wilden Jr.


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