The Poetess

A film by Andreas Wolff. In ara­bic with ger­man subtitles.

Hissa Hilal, a 43-year-old poe­tess and acti­vist from Saudi Arabia, tests her boun­da­ries in the dai­ly strugg­le for chan­ge. Veiled in a bur­qa, she gains inter­na­tio­nal fame at Abu Dhabi’s pres­ti­gious con­test “Million’s Poet” with her poems cri­ti­cal of ter­ro­rism and the ideo­lo­gies of fana­tic islamists.

D, Saudi-Arabien 2017 89 Min. OmU – Arabisch mit dt. Untertiteln
Regie: Stefanie Brockhaus, Andreas Wolff
Kamera: Tobias Tempel, Stefanie Brockhaus
Schnitt: Hansjörg Weissbrich, Anja Pohl

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IDFA 2017 | Trailer | The Poetess