Are You Lonesome Tonight?

a film by Wen Shipei . Starts janu­ary 27th at the fsk. In Mandarin with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

On a dark night, Xueming hits a pede­stri­an with his car and flees the sce­ne. Desperate to escape his fee­lings of guilt, he deci­des to approach the dead man’s wife, Mrs Liang. Meanwhile, the body is dis­co­ver­ed – ridd­led with bul­lets. Chen, the detec­ti­ve in char­ge of the inves­ti­ga­ti­on, beco­mes obses­sed with the case. Years later, all three remain caught in a tan­gled web of memo­ries and lies, despera­te­ly sear­ching for a truth that refu­ses to be revealed…


Originaltitel: Re dai wang shi
CN 2021, 95 Min.,
Regie: Wen Shipei
Kamera: Cedric Cheung-Lau, Xiaosu Han, Zhang Heng, Andreas Thalhammer
Schnitt: Zhu Lin, Will Wei, Dong Jie, Noé Dodson, Cao Hangchen
mit: Eddie Peng, Peiyao Jiang, Zhang Yu, Sylvia Chang 

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