Moleküle der Erinnerung – Venedig, wie es niemand kennt

a film by Andrea Segre. Starts December 30th at the fsk. In Italian with German subtitles

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Some things are very dif­fi­cult for a father to share with his son and the lat­ter can only start to under­stand them when he beco­mes a father. In February-April this year, Andrea Segre, who has been living in Rome for years, was blo­cked by the lock­down in Venice, the city of his father Ulderico. He was working the­re on two theat­re and cine­ma pro­jects on the city’s gre­at blights: tou­rism and high water. While he was film­ing the city was fro­zen and emp­tied befo­re his very eyes, res­to­ring it to natu­re and its histo­ry, and in some ways to him as well. He coll­ec­ted visu­al notes and spent that peri­od in his fami­ly home whe­re he del­ved into the past. Personal archi­ves in Super8 by the director’s father and the real prot­ago­nist of the film alter­na­te with mee­tings with Venetian inha­bi­tants, who talk about the rela­ti­onship bet­ween the city and water whilst expe­ri­en­cing the unex­pec­ted arri­val of the gre­at void that has inva­ded Venice and a lar­ge part of the world. The who­le thing is kept tog­e­ther by the director’s off screen voice, Teho Teardo’s music and an atmo­sphe­re of expec­tancy and ama­ze­ment that per­va­des the enti­re visu­al and exis­ten­ti­al mate­ri­al of this stran­ge journey.


IT 2020, 68 Min., ital. OmU,
Buch & Regie: Andrea Segre
Kamera: Matteo Calore, Andrea Segre
Schnitt: Chiara Russo

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