12 Tage

A film by Raymond Depardon.  In french with ger­man subtitles.

Every year in France, 92,000 peo­p­le are pla­ced under psych­ia­tric care wit­hout their con­sent. By law, the hos­pi­tal has 12 days to bring each pati­ent befo­re a judge. Based on medi­cal records and a doctor’s recom­men­da­ti­ons, a cru­cial decis­i­on has to be made – will the pati­ent stay or lea­ve? Granted access to the­se hea­rings for the first time, Raymond Depardon cap­tures the­se extra­or­di­na­ry encoun­ters bet­ween jus­ti­ce and psych­ia­try. “We film­ed 72 hea­rings and our enga­ge­ment was streng­the­ned by cont­act with trou­bled pati­ents who mana­ged to bear wit­ness with gre­at digni­ty and sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Above all the­se are peo­p­le who are suf­fe­ring; their words are valuable, nor mere­ly dis­tur­bed or ins­a­ne, but clear and stron­gand con­cer­ned with their future lives. 12 DAYS pres­ents ten of the­se pati­ents.” (Raymond Depardon)
70. Internationale Filmfestspiele von Cannes – Séances Spéciales


OT: 12 jours
F 2017, 87 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Raymond Depardon
Kamera: Raymond Depardon
Schnitt: Simon Jacquet


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