Zwischen uns der Fluss

Zwischen uns der Fluss

A film by Michael Klier. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Two very dif­fe­rent young women open up to each other: a quiet, but inten­se gene­ra­tio­nal por­trait from Michael Klier. The film was crea­ted in clo­se con­sul­ta­ti­on with both prot­ago­nists, who also intro­du­ced their own ide­as for dia­lo­gue and sto­ry­line. After a mili­tant envi­ron­men­tal demo, Alice (Lena Urzendowsky) is con­vic­ted of civil dis­o­be­dience and given a com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice sen­tence – loo­king after Cam (Kotti Yun), who has been trau­ma­ti­zed by a racist assault. When Cam deci­des against exten­ding her stay in the cli­nic, Alice takes in the mys­te­rious woman in her house in a nice midd­le-class area of Dresden. But Cam wants to go her own way.


DE 2023, 95 Min.,
Regie: Michael Klier
Kamera: Jenny Lou Ziegel, Markus Koop
Schnitt: Gaya von Schwarze
mit: Kotti Yun, Lena Urzendowsky, Laura Tonke, Jeremias Meyer, Vu Dinh

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