
Opus – Ryuichi Sakamoto

A film by Neo Sora. No Dialogue.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

On March 28th 2023, legen­da­ry com­po­ser Ryuichi Sakamoto pas­sed away after his strugg­le against can­cer. In the years lea­ding up to his death, Sakamoto could no lon­ger per­form live. Single con­certs, not to men­ti­on spraw­ling glo­bal tours, were too taxing. Despite this, in late 2022, Sakamoto mus­te­red all of his ener­gy to lea­ve the world with one final per­for­mance: a con­cert film, fea­turing just him and his pia­no.
Curated by Sakamoto hims­elf and pre­sen­ted in his cho­sen order, the twen­ty pie­ces per­for­med in the film word­less­ly nar­ra­te his life through his music. The sel­ec­tion spans his enti­re care­er, from his pop­star Yellow Magic Orchestra peri­od, to his magni­fi­cent Bertolucci film scores, to music from his medi­ta­ti­ve final album, 12.
Intimately film­ed in a space he knew well, sur­roun­ded by his most trus­ted col­la­bo­ra­tors, Sakamoto bares his soul through his music, kno­wing this may be the last time that he can pre­sent his art.
A cele­bra­ti­on of an artist’s life in the purest sen­se, Ryuichi Sakamoto | Opus is the defi­ni­ti­ve swan song of the bel­oved maestro.


JP 2023, 103 Min.,
Regie: Neo Sora
Kamera: Bill Kirstein
Schnitt: Takuya Kawakami

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