
A film by Lucrecia Martel. In spa­nish with ger­man subtitles.

Zama, an offi­cer of the Spanish Crown born in South America, waits for a let­ter from the King gran­ting him a trans­fer from the town in which he is sta­gna­ting, to a bet­ter place. His situa­ti­on is deli­ca­te. He must ensu­re that not­hing overs­ha­dows his trans­fer. He is forced to accept sub­mis­si­ve­ly every task ent­rus­ted to him by suc­ces­si­ve Governors who come and go as he stays behind. The years go by and the let­ter from the King never arri­ves. When Zama noti­ces ever­y­thing is lost, he joins a par­ty of sol­diers that go after a dan­ge­rous bandit.


Argentinien/ Brasilien/ Spanien/ Frankreich/ Niederlande/ Mexiko/ Portugal/ USA 2017, 114 Min.,
span. OmU
Regie: Lucrecia Martel
Buch: Lucrecia Martel, nach dem Roman von Antonio di Benedetto
Kamera: Rui Poças 
Schnitt: M. Schverdfinger, K. Harley
Darsteller: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Lola Dueñas, Matheus Nachtergaele, Juan Minujín, Rafael Spregelburd, Nahuel Cano, Mariana Nunes

  • noch kei­ne / oder kei­ne mehr 


Zama from tri­gon-film on Vimeo.
