Weitermachen Sanssouci

A film by Max Linz. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

The Institute for Cybernetics and Simulation Research is threa­ten­ed with clo­sure – the start­ing point for this sati­re about how the uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem is to be trans­for­med into a tur­bo-capi­ta­list rese­arch machi­ne. Phoebe Phaidon, a high­ly qua­li­fied, up-and-coming young aca­de­mic, accepts yet ano­ther tem­po­ra­ry tea­ching con­tract. With her pro­gres­si­ve ide­als on cli­ma­te rese­arch still more or less int­act, she acts as a link to the frus­tra­ted, yet com­bat-rea­dy stu­dents who have occu­p­ied the libra­ry. On the other side of the batt­le lines are the estab­lished facul­ty, who­se will to sur­vi­ve in the cess­pool of third-par­ty fun­ding acqui­si­ti­on has ground them down into vain cynics for whom no ridi­cu­lous con­ces­si­on to eva­lua­ti­on mad­ness is too gro­tes­que. Max Linz crafts his film with a keen sen­se of Berlin’s sen­si­ti­vi­ties, urban back­drops, office décor and aca­de­mic atti­re. And he exag­ge­ra­tes deca­dent uni­ver­si­ty jar­gon with gus­to, its buz­zwords func­tio­ning almost like the bait in beha­viou­ral stu­dies. By the end, the film has prac­ti­cal­ly beco­me a musi­cal, with a cat­chy tune that could be a post-capi­ta­list revo­lu­tio­na­ry anthem: “Why can’t it be nice here, why are we not happy?”


DE 2019, 80 Min.
Regie: Max Linz
Kamera: Carlos Andrés López
Schnitt: Bernd Euscher, René Frölke
Mit: Sarah Ralfs, Sophie Rois, Philipp Hauß, Bernd Moss, Maryam Zaree, Bastian Trost, Leonie Jenning, Luis Krawen, Martha von Mechow, Max Wagner, Anna Papenburg, Olga Lystsova, Kerstin Grassmann, Jean Chaize, Friedrich Liechstenstein


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 

Trailer (Ausschnitt):