
A film by Christian Petzold.

The German tro­ops are just out­side Paris. Georg escapes to Marseille at the last moment. His lug­ga­ge con­ta­ins the lega­cy of a wri­ter named Weidel, who took his own life out of fear of per­se­cu­ti­on. This lega­cy com­pri­ses a manu­script, some let­ters and the Mexican Embassy’s assu­rance of a visa. Only tho­se who can pro­ve that they will lea­ve are allo­wed in this port town, and this means you need an ent­ry per­mit from a poten­ti­al host coun­try. Assuming the iden­ti­ty of Weidel, Georg tri­es to obtain one of the few scar­ce pas­sa­ges on a ship. Talks bet­ween refu­gees take place in the cor­ri­dors of his small hotel, the wai­ting rooms of con­su­la­tes, and the cafés and bars down at the har­bour. Georg befri­ends Driss, the son of his late com­ra­de Heinz, who died whilst try­ing to flee. But when he meets the mys­te­rious Marie, his plans chan­ge. Transit is based on Anna Seghers’ epony­mous novel which she wro­te in exi­le. The film is set in con­tem­po­ra­ry Marseille whe­re the­se cha­rac­ters from the past move around. And so, refu­gees from back then meet refu­gees from today, histo­ry meets the pre­sent, and all of their sto­ries com­bi­ne to crea­te one eter­nal tran­sit space.

Deutschland 2017, 101 Min.
Regie: Christian Petzold
Buch: Christian Petzold, nach dem Roman von Anna Seghers
Kamera: Hans Fromm
Schnitt: Bettina Böhler

mit: Franz Rogowski, Paula Beer, Godehard Giese, Lilien Batman, Maryam Zaree, Barbara Auer, Matthias Brandt, Sebastian Hülk, Emilie de Preissac


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