Touch me not

A film by Adina Pintilie. In German and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Tell me how you loved me, so I under­stand how to love.’
Together, a film­ma­ker and her cha­rac­ters ven­ture into a per­so­nal rese­arch pro­ject about inti­ma­cy. On the flu­id bor­der bet­ween rea­li­ty and fic­tion, Touch Me Not fol­lows the emo­tio­nal jour­neys of Laura, Tómas and Christian, offe­ring a deep­ly empa­thic insight into their lives. Craving for inti­ma­cy yet also deep­ly afraid of it, they work to over­co­me old pat­terns, defen­se mecha­nisms and taboos, to cut the cord and final­ly be free.
Touch Me Not looks at how we can find inti­ma­cy in the most unex­pec­ted ways, at how to love ano­ther wit­hout losing ourselves.


Rumänien / Deutschland / Tschechische Republik / Bulgarien / Frankreich 2018
Englisch, Deutsche OmU, 125 Min.
Regie, Buch, Schnitt: Adina Pintilie
Kamera: George Chiper-Lillemark
mit: Laura Benson, Tómas Lemarquis, Christian Bayerlein, Grit Uhlemann, Hanna Hofmann, Seani Love, Irmena Chichikova, Rainer Steffen, Georgi Naldzhiev, Dirk Lange



  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 
