Tony Conrad – Completely in the Present

A film by Tyler Hubby. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

A clip from the noto­rious 1963 Jack Smith nudie FLAMING CREATURES, on which Tony Conrad work­ed, segues into his own cine­ma­tic affront, a light show cal­led THE FLICKER, the bad boy of the 1966 New York Film Festival. There was vomi­ting at the pre­mie­re; the pro­jec­tion­ist suf­fe­r­ed a migrai­ne. “No LSD nee­ded!” says film­ma­ker Larry Seven, one of the on-came­ra sub­jects in this film. TONY CONRAD: COMPLETELY IN THE PRESENT is a sharp, sweet, elo­quent docu­men­ta­ry about the mer­riest, most artis­ti­cal­ly expan­si­ve mini­ma­list on record: musi­ci­an, edu­ca­tor, acti­vist Tony Conrad. The violinist’s tran­ce­li­ke dro­ning tech­ni­que (“the first non-bag­pi­pe Western dro­ne music,” he once cal­led it) caught hold, in its ste­alt­hy way, in the 1960’s with (among others) John Cale and Lou Reed. Conrad’s work and his life asser­ted the importance of lis­tening for the sounds nobo­dy else has heard. He died this year at the age of 76. (Michael Phillips)

USA 2017, 97 Min., engl. OmU

Regie, Schnitt & Buch: Tyler Hubby
Kamera: Damian Calvo, Fortunato Procopio
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Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present (Trailer) from Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH on Vimeo.