The Guilty

A film by Gustav Möller. In Danish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Alarm dis­patcher and for­mer poli­ce offi­cer, Asger Holm, ans­wers an emer­gen­cy call from a kid­nap­ped woman. When the call is sud­den­ly dis­con­nec­ted, the search for the woman and her kid­nap­per beg­ins. With the pho­ne as his only tool, Asger enters a race against time to save the end­an­ge­red woman. But soon he rea­li­zes that he is deal­ing with a crime that is far big­ger than he first thought

Den skyl­di­ge
Dänemark 2017, 85 Min., dän. OmU
Regie: Gustav Möller
Kamera: Jasper J. Spanning
Schnitt: Carla Luff
mit: Jakob Cedergren


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