
A Film by  Nora Fingscheidt.In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Bernadette, or Benni as she pre­fers to be known, is a deli­ca­te-loo­king girl with unbrid­led ener­gy. She is a ‘sys­tem cra­s­her’. This term is used to descri­be child­ren who break every sin­gle rule; child­ren who refu­se to accept any kind of struc­tu­re and who gra­du­al­ly fall through the cracks in Germany’s child and wel­fa­re ser­vices. No mat­ter whe­re this nine-year-old is taken in, she is boo­ted out again after a short time. And that is exact­ly what she is after, becau­se all she wants is to be able to live with her mother again: a woman who is total­ly unable to cope with her daughter’s incal­culable behaviour.
Made from her own mul­ti-award-win­ning script, Nora Fingscheidt has crea­ted an inten­se dra­ma about one child’s over­whel­ming need for love and secu­ri­ty and the poten­ti­al for vio­lence that this engen­ders. At the same time, the film depicts the tire­less attempts of edu­ca­tors and psy­cho­lo­gists who use respect, trust and con­fi­dence to crea­te a way for­ward for child­ren who threa­ten to des­troy others and them­sel­ves as a result of their unpre­dic­ta­ble outbursts.

Berlinale 2019: Silver Bear – Alfred Bauer Prize


DE 2019, 113 Min.
Regie, Buch: Nora Fingscheidt
Kamera: Yunus Roy Imer
Schnitt: Stephan Bechinger, Julia Kovalenko
mit: Helena Zengel, Albrecht Schuch, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Lisa Hagmeister, Melanie Straub


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


SYSTEMSPRENGER – Trailer (Kinostart 19.09.2019)