
A film by Marion Hänsel.  In french with ger­man subtitles.


Homer and Joé, two taci­turn men aged around fif­ty, sail a small boat up a river in Croatia. Until recent­ly, neither knew of the other’s exis­tence, but now their father has died it turns out they are half-brot­hers. Looking for traces of the man of who shaped their lives so dif­fer­ent­ly, they encoun­ter a third tra­vel­ler, the mys­te­rious Irishman Sean, and their tour through the wild land­scape of Croatia beco­mes a real psy­cho­lo­gi­cal challenge.

»Certain peo­p­le find it diff­cult to talk about them­sel­ves for many dif­fe­rent reasons. My cha­rac­ters, Homer and Joé, half­brot­hers, are such peo­p­le. Homer, trau­ma­tis­ed by an absent father who igno­red his exis­tence, Joé by the vio­lence of this same father. e lack of words, of ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on inte­rests me and can be found in a num­ber of my lms. e silen­ces, what is left unsaid, lea­ves room for the spectator’s inter­pre­ta­ti­on, their per­so­nal ima­gi­na­ti­on. I like that. As to the nar­ra­ti­on, I have the impres­si­on that I am dig­ging into earth that I alre­a­dy know but that I want to go deeper. If Joé and Homer are half-brot­hers, it is not by chan­ce. In some of my pre­vious Films, blood-ties, filia­ti­on, the image of the father or his absence are stron­gly pre­sent. Upstream is part of this same lineage.« Marion Hänsel


(En amont du fleuve)
Belgien/Niederlande/Kroatien 2016, 90 Min.
Regie: Marion Hänsel
Buch: Marion Hänsel, Hubert Mingarelli
Mit: Olivier Gourmet, Sergi López, John Lynch
Kamera: Didier Frateur
Schnitt: Michèle Hubinon
Produktion: Marion Hänsel, Digna Sinke

Trailer Stromaufwärts from Peripher Filmverleih on Vimeo.