Stille Post

A film by Florian Hoffmann. In German Turkish and Kurdish with German subtitles.

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Khalil is a pri­ma­ry school tea­cher and lives with his jour­na­list girl­fri­end Leyla in Berlin. When she shows him war vide­os from his home­town in Turkey – the Kurdish town of Cizre, Khalil’s order­ly life starts to slip out of his hands: he reco­gni­zes his sis­ter, who was declared dead years ago, in the ama­teur foo­ta­ge. He tri­es to get in cont­act with her through the Kurdish com­mu­ni­ty. But in return for their help, they want him to get the war vide­os into the German news. But no broad­cas­ter is inte­res­ted: other con­flicts have a hig­her news value. Only when Khalil and Leyla deci­de to mani­pu­la­te the vide­os, they final­ly get the media atten­ti­on they wan­ted: news reports and poli­ti­cal deba­tes pick up speed. But when the con­flict rea­ches Khalil’s school class, he rea­li­zes that it is no lon­ger just a ques­ti­on of win­ning the com­pe­ti­ti­on for the news atten­ti­on, but of pro­tec­ting his own life in Berlin.


DE 2021, 94 Min., Deutsch, Türkisch, Kurdisch OmU
Drehbuch & Regie: Florian Hoffmann
Kamera: Carmen Treichl
Schnitt: Marco Rottig
mit: Hadi Khanjanpour, Kristin Suckow, Aziz Capkurt, Jeanette Hain, Mela Kanbak

Offizieller Teaser | „STILLE POST” – Ab 15.12.2022 im Kino
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