Passagiere der Nacht

A film by Michael Hers. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Paris, 1981. The winds of chan­ge are blo­wing on elec­tion night and the French storm the streets, ela­ted. But Élisabeth (Charlotte Gainsbourg) strug­gles to share the gene­ral mood of opti­mism. Her mar­ria­ge is coming to an end and she will now have to sup­port her fami­ly. She is dis­traught, and her father and teenage child­ren are worried that her tears sim­ply will not dry. But what if lis­tening to her emo­ti­ons could help her to start fil­ling the blank page of her future? What if she were to wri­te a let­ter on a whim to the host of her favou­ri­te radio pro­gram­me? Or invi­te a home­l­ess girl into her house? What would hap­pen if she were to make the kind of ges­tu­res that actual­ly chan­ge lives?
In this fol­low-up to the beau­tiful Amanda, Mikhaël Hers directs his hyper­sen­si­ti­ve gaze at the 1980s and the see­mingly mun­da­ne moments in one family’s life that shape inde­li­ble memo­ries. A lar­ge num­ber of cha­rac­ters popu­la­tes this nost­al­gic saga of self-inven­ti­on. The direc­tor hono­urs their vul­nerabi­li­ty and kind­ness in a way that stands out in a cine­ma­tic land­scape more often fasci­na­ted by dis­il­lu­sio­ned anti­he­roes. This is film at its most pro­found­ly inti­ma­te and mes­me­ri­sing, the kind that, when we reflect on how we func­tion as a socie­ty, gives us an idea of why love matters.


Les pas­sa­gers de la nuit
FR 2022, 111 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Mikhaël Hers
Kamera: Sébastien Buchmann
Montage: Marion Monnier
mit: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Quito Rayon-Richter, Noée Abita, Megan Northam, Thibault Vinçon, Emmanuelle Béart, Laurent Poitrenaux, Didier Sandre, Lilith Grasmug, Calixte Broisin-Doutaz

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