
A film by Stéphanie Chuat & Véronique Reymond. In German, French and English with German subtitles.

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Lisa has given up her ambi­ti­ons as a play­w­right in Berlin and moved to Switzerland with her child­ren and hus­band, who runs an inter­na­tio­nal school the­re. When her twin brot­her Sven, a star actor at Berlin’s Schaubühne theat­re, falls ill with leuk­aemia, Lisa returns to the German capi­tal. His hopes of get­ting back on the stage give Sven the strength he needs to fight the dise­a­se. But when his con­di­ti­on dete­rio­ra­tes and his mother, also an actor, pro­ves unre­lia­ble, Lisa takes the reins and whisks her brot­her back to Switzerland. She hopes that new tre­at­ments, fami­ly life and moun­tain air will work a mira­cle. Brother and sis­ter, Berlin and Switzerland, life and theat­re, sick­ness and health. With its out­stan­ding lea­ding cast, Schwesterlein inter­wea­ves the­se com­ple­men­ta­ry bina­ries into a matu­re, moving and com­plex dra­ma. This film explo­res the mea­ning of heal­ing and sacri­fice, the inte­gri­ty of an adult sibling rela­ti­onship – a topic that has rare­ly been addres­sed as it is here – and artis­tic work as a core aspi­ra­ti­on in life. A fairy tale, with two adults as Hansel and Gretel, the theat­re as the gin­ger­b­read house and the ill­ness as the evil witch.


CH 2020, 99 Min., dt.,frz,engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Stéphanie Chuat, Véronique Reymond
Kamera: Filip Zumbrunn
Schnitt: Myriam Rachmuth
mit: Nina Hoss, Lars Eidinger, Marthe Keller, Jens Albinus, Thomas Ostermeier, Linne-Lu Lungershausen, Noah Tscharland, Isabelle Caillat, Moritz Gottwald, Urs Jucker


Schwesterlein | Offizieller Trailer Deutsch HD | Jetzt im Kino!
