Ray and Liz

A Film by Richard Billingham. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

On the out­skirts of Birmingham and the mar­gins of socie­ty, the Billingham fami­ly per­form extre­me ritu­als and break social taboos as they mudd­le through a life deci­ded by fac­tors bey­ond their con­trol. Based on direc­tor and pho­to­grapher Richard Billingham’s memo­ries, the film focu­ses on his par­ents Ray and Liz, their rela­ti­onship and its impact on Richard and his youn­ger brot­her Jason as they grow up in a Black Country coun­cil flat.



GB 2018, 108 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Richard Billingham 
Joshua Millard-Lloyd
Kamera: Daniel Landin 
Schnitt: Tracy Granger 
mit: Ella Smith , Justin Salinger , Patrick Romer , Deirdre Kelly , Tony Way , Sam Gittins


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